Researcher profiles

  • (Olga) OD Boer, MSc

    (Olga) OD Boer, MSc
  • (Esmee) E Boerema

    (Esmee) E Boerema
  • dr. (Marilisa) M Boffo

    Marilisa Boffo is associate professor in clinical psychology and digital behavioral health at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences of the Erasmus…
    dr. (Marilisa) M Boffo
  • dr. (Samira) SRJM van Bohemen

    Samira van Bohemen is an associate professor at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences and a cultural sociologist with a research focus on…
    dr. (Samira) SRJM van Bohemen
  • ir. (Kim) KR Boltjes

    ir. (Kim) KR Boltjes
  • (Sanne) S Bom

    (Sanne) S Bom
  • dr. (Daphne) D van de Bongardt

    Dr. Daphne van de Bongardt is a sociologist and pedagogical scientist, and an associate professor at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies…
    dr. (Daphne) D van de Bongardt
  • dr. (Michiel) MC Boog

    Dr. Michiel Boog is a researcher at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Antes (a mental healthcare organization in Rotterdam). At the Erasmus University…
    dr. (Michiel) MC Boog
  • (Beitske) B Boonstra

    Dr. ir. Beitske Boonstra has expertise on active citizens and community initiatives in urban development and their interactions with (local) governments… (Beitske) B Boonstra
  • drs. (Arnout) AB Boot, MSc

    drs. (Arnout) AB Boot, MSc

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