Marissa Duess

Through this programme, I have learned what a huge difference effectively developed e-health technology can make.

Marissa Duess

Alumna Health Psychology

I have always been passionate about helping those who need it most. With a background in psychology I was confident I could make a difference but not so sure how to do so without being a healthcare worker. I saw this program as an opportunity to learn new ways to make a difference in an increasingly digitized world and to use my expertise to support health care workers, and patients.

Through this programme, I have learned what a huge difference effectively developed e-health technology can make not only to health care workers and patients, but also to individuals who don’t have equal access to health care and especially to those who can benefit from preventative care (everyone!). 
This programme has offered me many new inspirations for my career, as well as valuable real-life project experience, knowledge that can be transferred to various contexts, and fantastic mentors and friends. 

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