Tatjana Fincke, student International Bachelor in Psychology

Even though the workload is heavy, I work with a smile on my face.

Tatjana Fincke

Alumna International Bachelor in Psychology from Germany

To be honest, I never thought I would study Psychology one day. I was interested in medicine, enzymes and chemical reactions. However, after two years of studying Biochemistry, I realised that I was trying to become a person I am not. So I quit and I had no idea what to do next. I only knew something had to change and that I love to travel and I love the English language. So I thought: if I will start all over again, I will do it right. Therefore, I moved abroad and started a study which is taught in English.

Before I decided what to study, I did my research. The more I read about the International Bachelor’s programme in Psychology, the more I realised that this study contained the perfect combination of biology, sociology and philosophy I was looking for. For two years, I worked in several medical facilities in Germany and as a paramedic. These jobs required not only a medical but also a psychological point of view. Therefore, I knew psychology would probably be a good fit for me. Furthermore, it would give me the opportunity to choose a specialisation from many different paths. When I read about the Problem-Based Learning System at EUR, I became fascinated. It felt as if this learning method was especially made for me as it fitted my learning behaviour. I did not really expect to get into the programme but I applied anyways and I got accepted. So I moved here and I have never regretted this decision.

I really like the tutorial meetings during which we are able to discuss a topic. Even though the workload is heavy, I work with a smile on my face. I sometimes even call my friends to tell them how excited I am about a new subject. In particular, I look forward to organisational psychology.

It took me some time to get used to Rotterdam. I am not a huge fan of big, modern buildings, I rather prefer old cities like Amsterdam or Edinburgh. However, as time went by, I discovered more and more places in Rotterdam which I enjoy. I don’t know where life will take me, but I am happy here and for the first time I feel like am I in the right place.

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