Testimonial Alex Webb

Within this cohort of passionate young professionals, I learned something new from each person that I came into contact with.

Alex Webb

Alumna Governance of Migration and Diversity

During my Human Geography bachelors programme, I began to take courses on migration, human rights, and racism. These courses really sparked my academic and personal interests in migration and diversity. However, that programme was mostly theoretical so I was left knowing about many problems within the world but not knowing how to address them. Therefore, the master programme’s emphasis on practicality and real-world skills was what attracted me most. This is also what lead me to change my discipline and follow the Public Administration track of the Governance of Migration and Diversity programme. Lastly, the very specific focus on migration and diversity was exactly the subject matter that I was looking to dive deeper into. 

Throughout the master's programme, the multidisciplinary perspective helped to diversify our perspective. It also allowed us to tackle the issue of migration from multiple angles; historically, socially, developmentally, and through policy. In these courses, lectures by guest speakers and extracurricular programmes, such as those organized by the student board, I was able to get a better idea of what careers were available in the field of migration and diversity. I also really appreciated the insights and diverse perspectives I was exposed to through my peers. Within this cohort of passionate young professionals, I learned something new from each person that I came into contact with.

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