Lecture on Issues of Brexit and Challenges in Legal Education given by Prof. Thom Brooks

donderdag 7 nov 2019, 15:00 - 17:00
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Campus Woudestein, Sanders Building, L0.07
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You are cordially invited to attend the lecture, free of charge. Please register your attendance by sending an email to eclc@law.eur.nl.

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Prof. Thom Brooks, Professor of Law and Government, Dean of Durham Law School will visit Erasmus School of Law on 7 November 2019 and give a lecture on issues of Brexit and challenges faced by law schools.

The UK’s surprise vote to leave the European Union in 2016 has caused chaos at the heart of government. In 2016, Prof. Brooks was the only commentator on record predicting Brexit would not happen under Theresa May. In his lecture, Prof. Brooks will look at why the UK voted to leave and why Brexit talks have gone so badly for the UK, and likely to go worse for Boris Johnson.

Law schools do many things, including preparing our students for practice. While the curriculum is mostly unchanged for decades, the legal profession is changing rapidly with global competition never higher for the best staff and students. In this lecture, Prof. Brooks will look at these challenges and how law schools can address them effectively, and discuss why he created a large Centre for Chinese Law and Policy at Durham Law School.

You are cordially invited to attend the lecture, free of charge. Please register your attendance by sending an email to eclc@law.eur.nl.

Meer informatie

About Prof. Thom Brooks

Thom Brooks is Professor of Law and Government, and Dean of Durham Law School, Durham University, the UK. Prof. Brooks is an immigration law and policy specialist with wide-ranging expertise, such as asylum and refugee law, Brexit, British politics, criminal justice and criminal law, global justice and human rights, and immigration law and policy.

Prof. Brooks is Fellow of the Academy of Social Science, Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Member of Economic and Social Research Council, and Vice President-Elect of the Society of Legal Scholars, amongst his other academic affiliations. Prof. Brooks has over 400 publications in monographs, chapters in books, articles on renowned legal journals, and editorship in books and journals. His publications cover topics including behavioural economics and nudges theory, British politics, citizenship, climate change, constitutional law, criminal law, democracy, international affairs, immigration, political strategy, strategic communication, and others.

As Dean of Durham Law School, Prof. Brooks is the founder of Centre for Chinese Law and Policy at Durham Law School, and has led a ground-breaking expansion of Chinese law into the LLB and LLM curriculum at Durham Law School. Prof. Brooks has been a visiting professor in the world’s most prestigious universities, such as Columbia University, Harvard University, Oxford University, Penn State University, University of St Andrews, Uppsala University and Yale University.

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