How do you create an eduID?
You need an eduID to register for a minor via eduXchange. Without an eduID, it is not possible to register. So first create your eduID at www.eduID.nl.
Watch in this video how to create an eduID.
Did you create an eduID last academic year? Then follow the steps below.
If you created an eduID last academic year, it is necessary to link it again. Read the steps below to learn how to connect your institutional account to your eduID.
1. Go to My eduID and press 'Personal info'.
2. Click on one of the 'Verify' or 'Proof' buttons. It doesn't matter which one. Read the brief explanation and press 'Proceed' once you are finished. In the next screen, select the institution which you would like to connect to your eduID.
3. Complete the login process at your institution. If you are logged in successfully, you are all set! Through My eduID you can see the details of this connection: which data eduID received from your institution, when the connection was made and when it will expire. You can also remove the connection here if you want to.

Registration for a minor
For the 2024-2025 academic year, registration for EUR, Leiden, Delft and joint LDE minors is done via eduXchange.
We advise you to explore the total overview of all minors on eduXchange before 2 April to get a good idea of what is on offer and to check whether your preferred minors are accessible to you. You can see this in the admission matrix.
Because of the different registration periods, it is important to make a clear choice beforehand whether you will choose a selection minor (minor with additional requirements) or a non-selection minor (no additional requirements).
Selection minors:
From Tue 2 April 13:00 hrs until Mon 15 April 23:59 hrs, you can register for a selection minor via eduXchange. You will be placed on a waiting list. Read carefully, for the minor of your choice, whether you need to send additional documents. Before 1 May, you will be informed via your student account whether you have been admitted. If you are not admitted, you can join the regular registration period.
Non-selection minors:
On 15 May from 13:00 hrs until Mon 15 July 23:59 hrs, you can register for a minor on eduXchange. Due to the expected amount of students, a queue will be used. When your registration starts, you will have 10 minutes to register for a minor.
You need to register with your eduID. If you do not have one yet, please create yours via eduid.nl.
In May, places are reserved for students of Delft and Leiden. In June, unfilled reserved places will be made available to all students.

Can't figure it out? Consult the eduID and eduXchange manuals
You can follow a minor at the beginning of your third bachelor year. A minor is a coherent package of subjects/courses, with which you specialize or broaden your horizon.
At the EUR we offer both broadening and deepening minor. For students from Leiden University and TU Delft only the broadening minors are available. Take a look at eduXchange to explore all minors.
The minor education is, based on the level of education and time spent, specially designed for third year bachelor students.
The minor education is taught in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. This means that the minor period at the EUR is from September till the beginning of November. Resits are in the summer (beginning of July).
The minor education at the TU Delft is offered in the first 20 weeks of the academic year. At the University of Leiden the education can take place during the whole academic year. Please check the schedules from the minors in Leiden and Delft and the joint-LDE minors in order to avoid overlap with compulsory courses in your bachelor's degree.
Minors at the EUR are 15 EC. There are some exceptions where minors are 30 EC. Following a minor requires a full-time commitment (40 hours per week) during the first 10 weeks of the academic year. It is not possible to follow other courses during this period
Minors at the TU Delft are 30 EC, some minors are aslo available in a 15 EC version.
Minors at Leiden University are 30 EC, most minors are also available in a 15 EC version.
The rules of the attended faculty apply to a minor. These are included in the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) and the Rules and Regulations (R&R) of the relevant faculty.
Example When you follow a minor from ESL, the TER and R&R from ESL are applicable.
At the EUR, the schedules will be announced late July or at the beginning of August. You can find the schedule of your minor at courses.eur.nl
All education and examination will be in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. Resits are in the summer.
For the schedule of all joint-LDE minor courses and minors from Leiden University and TU Delft, please contact the relevant institute.
When you follow a minor in Leiden or Delft, you need to register your grade at the EUR yourself. Request a certified study progress overview from Leiden or Delft. Ask the Department for Examination Administration of your programme to register your results at EUR.
See below the list of exam administrations by faculty:
ES Study Progress and Diploma Small Faculties, EUR <spd.sf@eur.nl>; ESSB ESHPM ESHCC and ESPhil
ES Study Progress and Diploma ESE, EUR <spd.ese@eur.nl>; ESE
ES Study Progress and Diploma RSM, EUR <spd.rsm@eur.nl>; RSM
ES Study Progress and Diploma ESL, EUR <spd.esl@eur.nl> ESL
* ESE-students have to submit a request via OSIRIS to incorporate this minor. This request must be supplemented with an official grade list from the receiving institution.
Upon completion of the minor, please request a certified grade list by e-mail from the university that is responsible for the minor. You are responsible for registering your results with the examination administration of your own faculty.
Below is an overview of the email addresses of the exam administrations:
ES Study Progress and Diploma Small Faculties, EUR <spd.sf@eur.nl>; ESSB ESHPM ESHCC and ESPhil
ES Study Progress and Diploma ESE, EUR <spd.ese@eur.nl>; ESE
ES Study Progress and Diploma RSM, EUR <spd.rsm@eur.nl>; RSM
ES Study Progress and Diploma ESL, EUR <spd.esl@eur.nl> ESL
*If you follow the joint LDE minor Smart and Shared Cities or Modes of Existence, you do not need to take action. Your grade is automatically registered in OSIRIS.
A partial result from a minor is valid for 1 academic year. If you do not complete the minor with a sufficient grade within that academic year, the partial results are no longer valid.
It is not possible to follow two minors at the same time. All minors are taught in the same period. Following a minor requires a full-time commitment (40 hours per week) during the first 10 weeks of the academic year.
If you did not complete your minor with a sufficient grade, you can reapply for a minor in May. You can register via eduXchange. Be advised: there is no guarantee that you will be placed on the same minor.