
7 search results for andrik becht in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.


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  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    We investigate the relationship between the self-concept in adolescents and the structural and functional changes that take place within the brain.
  • Erasmus SYNC Lab
    This research focuses on the impact of the COVID -19 crisis on youth well-being and behavior and the role of social media in it.
  • (Sophie) SW Sweijen, MSc
    Sophie Sweijen is a PhD candidate in the SYNC lab at the ESSB department Developmental Neuroscience in Society. She focuses on the behavioral and neural…
  • dr. (Ilse) IH van de Groep, MSc
    Ilse van de Groep is a PhD Candidate in the Erasmus Sync Lab (Rotterdam), Brain and Development Research Center (Leiden University) and the Child and Adolescent…
  • dr. (Suzanne) SW van de Groep
    Suzanne van de Groep is an assistant professor at the department of Psychology, Education, and Child Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam and affiliated with…
  • dr. (Danielle) D Remmerswaal
  • Launch website Society, Youth, and Neuroscience Connected (SYNC) lab
    The SYNC-lab is an initiative of the new department of Developmental Neuroscience in Society at the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences led by…

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