Testimonial Sarina Verwijmeren

What I find especially exceptional about this organisational psychology master is that it does not only go into what can go wrong in companies, but mainly focusses on what you can do as an organisational psychologist to create a good working environment.

Sarina Verwijmeren

Alumna Work & Organisational Psychology

Throughout this master, experienced professors will teach you all about psychology at work, based on their own scientific research. You will be taught about three important topics in organisational psychology: attitudes and emotions in organisations, groups at work, and personnel selection. These theoretical courses will be accompanied by practical courses, during which you can apply all of your newly gained knowledge. For example, you will not only learn how you can select the best candidate for a job based on scientific resources, you will also get an opportunity to create and administer your own selection procedure. Additionally, you will be taught one course which goes into statistics, to prepare you for your thesis. You will write your thesis under the supervision of one of the professors and can decide on a topic yourself. During this time, you will get a lot of autonomy in how you would like to shape your term. For instance, you can decide to do an internship on the side or to go more in depth with regard to research methods.

For me, this master was truly valuable because you will get a lot of autonomy with respect to how you shape your study. In addition, you will get outstanding support from teachers and will work in small groups. Therefore, you will always get the personal assistance you need and always know what to expect. By diving into the course material during the tutorial groups, which are part of problem-based learning, you will be able to share ideas with fellow students and prepare for the exams together. What I find especially exceptional about this organisational psychology master is that it does not only go into what can go wrong in companies, but mainly focusses on what you can do as an organisational psychologist to create a good working environment. During this master, you will surely gain all the knowledge you will need to kick-off your career in organisational psychology. Therefore, I would definitely recommend the Positive Organisational Psychology master to everyone!

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