Online debate hardens; researchers offer tips for prosocial behaviour on social media

Karsten Winegeart

Four out of five Dutch people want better manners on social media, research commissioned by Netwerk Mediawijsheid shows. The online debate has hardened, and there is often online hate, bullying, and the spread of fake news on social media. To draw attention to this and make people aware of solutions, the Week of Media Literacy theme was: .'Samen Sociaal Online' (social together online). Communication scientists prof. dr. Moniek Buijzen and dr. Esther Rozendaal, part of Movez Lab and founders of Bitescience wrote a Bitefile in the context of this week with 7 tips to stimulate online social behavior. The Bitefile is a compilation of insights from international scientific research on online prosocial behaviour published in the last 10 years. Rozendaal also explains the 7 tips in the Media Literacy Journal.Read the full article in Dutch.

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