Looking for inspiration to design more interactive education?

Whether you teach on campus or online, TeachEUR offers a variety of teaching activities to improve the quality of your education. Do you want to promote active learning and collaboration among students in an accessible way? Are you looking for a fun exercise to break the ice, activate prior knowledge, or achieve another learning objective? Get inspired by our possibilities and add your own twist to them.

Soon, we will also add theoretical deepdives into various themes, supported with practical tips and tools to implement them immediately in educational practice.

We regularly post new teaching activities, but we are also eager to hear from you. Have you been experimenting, tried something new to stimulate interaction, or have you applied a variation of an existing teaching activity? Please share your activity with us!

Do you need professional support tailoring a teaching activity to your subject? Would you like to brainstorm about new ideas? Or would you like to dive deeper into a particular theme? Contact us or send an email to cli@eur.nl.

  • Collect signatures

    Let students help each other find the right answer through this game format.
  • Like me

    Get to know each other better and see what similarities you have as a group!
  • Elevator Pitch

    Have your students tell something about themselves or the subject matter in a short two-minute slot. The element of persuasion is essential in this!
  • Devil's advocate

    Break down group thinking and encourage critical thinking when students work together in teams.
    Illustratie van werkvorm
  • Presentation bingo

    Use bingo to get students actively thinking about your explanations.
    Illustration of a teaching session
  • Personality statistics

    A tasty introduction to statistics with help of your students.
  • The wrong example

    Challenge students to correct the mistake in your example.
  • The Iceberg

    Reveal patterns, structures and models below the surface!
  • Apply-a-theory-quiz

    Real life application brings theory to life for students.
  • Arachnaphobia online

    A practical on exposure therapy led by an expert.
  • Q & A Session

    Vraag maar raak in een klassieke Q&A session.
  • Quescussion

    Students explore a new topic by only asking questions.

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