EUR ultimately seeks to provide excellent education and research which is innovative, internationally oriented and can be applied in society. Achieving this ambition is intrinsically linked to the quality, efforts and passion of our employees. Talent diversity is invaluable in this respect. The more diverse the views, cultures, knowledge and experience, the more innovative and creative education and research at EUR will be.
EUR has therefore defined diversity as a key strategic objective, pursuing a diverse workforce in the broadest sense. EUR furthermore undertakes to create equal opportunities for everyone and a culture in which diverse talents feel at home and can excel. A culture which allows you to be yourself, an inspiring and motivational culture.
Find out more about how diversity and inclusion are present in our research and education, in our initiatives and in our policies on our D&I page.
Making Minds Matter.

Cultural Holidays
Celebrating Differences.

Beyond 25/25: Towards Inclusive Academia
A programme to promote a more equitable and representative academic community