Department of Econometrics

Econometric Institute 
Skyline of Rotterdam

Alumnus Carlijn Smeets receives first copy of the book “Ethics in Econometrics”

"Ethics in Econometrics" is the latest book by Philip Hans Franses, Professor of Applied Econometrics at Erasmus School of Economics.
Philip Hans Franses presents his book to Carlijn Smeets in front of a wall in the E-building

MOOC enrolment “Advanced Valuation & Strategy” exceeds 150,000 learners

The online course 'Advanced Valuation & Strategy - M&A, Private Equity, and Venture Capital' of Erasmus School of Economics has reached a new milestone!

Robin Lumsdaine speaker at the annual ESRB Conference

Robin Lumsdaine of Erasmus School of Economics was recently invited as speaker at the annual European Systemic Risk Board Conference.

Joint Estimation of Conditional Mean and Covariance for Unbalanced Panels

Paul Schneider (University of Lugano)
Signature Erasmus on the side of a building

Inference in Time-Varying SVARs Identified with Sign Restrictions

Jonas Arias (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
cropped view of man getting US dollars out of a wallet

Research Workshop on Inference and Optimality in Econometrics

Keynote Speaker: Isaiah Andrews
Image - Workshop Inference and Optimality in Econometrics
  • Director

    Prof.dr. D. Fok

    Operations manager

    Manne van Riek

    phone: +31 (0)10 408 12 78

  • Secretariat

    Evelien Nascimento
    Erik van der Heijden 
    Marianne Kroek-Buijs

    opening hours: on working days from 08:30 until 16:30
    room: ET-18
    phone: +31 (0)10 408 12 64

  • Visiting address

    Erasmus University Rotterdam 
    Econometric Institute

    Room: ET-18
    Burg. Oudlaan 50
    3062 PA Rotterdam

    Postal address

    Erasmus University Rotterdam
    Econometric Institute 

    Room ET-18
    P.O. Box 1738
    3000 DR Rotterdam
    The Netherlands

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