Chris Breedveld appointed as Grandmaster of the Royal House

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Chris Breedveld will succeed Jan Versteeg as Grandmaster of the Royal House as of 1 August 2019. As Grandmaster he will be in charge of the Dienst van het Koninklijk Huis, which counts 300 employees supporting the Royal House in their daily operations. At this moment Breedveld serves as Director of the King's Cabinet. 

In his previous position as deputy director general at the Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst, which takes care of the external communications of the prime minister and the cabinet and advises the Royal House about matters regarding publicity, he was already heavily involved with the royal family. His predecessor, Jan Versteeg, will become the Dutch ambassador to Spain. 

More information

Chris Breedveld graduated from Erasmus School of Economics in 1986. 

Read full article here (Dutch). 

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