New regulation should ensure greater tax transparency

BNR Nieuwsradio
Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Fiscal Economics at Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Recently, Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Economics of Taxation at Erasmus School of Economics, appeared on a BNR Nieuwsradio broadcast about the new European directive on data exchange digital platform economy. Anything sold or rented via Marktplaats or AirBnB, for example, must now be registered for tax transparency purposes.

This new regulation was deemed necessary as the line between private and professional sellers had become too blurred. The regulation mainly affects private individuals who regularly sell or rent things through such sites. 'So you don't have to immediately take down your ads from Markplaats because you are afraid of falling under the regulation,' Kavelaars said. 'In fact, the regulations are mainly intended to create more transparency and so that people also neatly declare the income generated from this to the tax authorities,' the professor adds.

Should there be income from selling goods through Markplaats, it could lead to a reduction in someone's benefits. This could especially come up in welfare. The big question here is whether there is actually income. This is often not the case, as you sell your own goods that already have a value. So there is no question of income, but of revenue, Kavelaars argues.

More information

You can listen to the full episode from BNR Nieuwsradio, 4 March 2024, here

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