Paper by Peter Wakker and Tong Wang published in prestigious journal Nature Physics

A paper by Peter Wakker and Tong Wang of Erasmus School of Economics, entitled 'Economists’ Views on the Ergodicity Problem' is published in one of the most prestigious scientific journals, namely Nature Physics, with an impact factor of 19.25.

In their paper, Wakker and Wang, with co-author Jason Doctor, refute the claim of physicist Ole Peters that his ergodic theory is superior to and can replace all of economics. Ole Peters’ papers appeared in leading physics journals and popular press and were qualified as brilliant. Doctor Wakker and Wang show that Ole Peters’ work is entirely based on elementary misunderstandings, thus defending economics against naïve and haughty views in physics.

Scientific impact matters at Erasmus School of Economics

A Stanford-based research team, chaired by John Ioannidis (2015 honorary doctorate at Erasmus University Rotterdam), compiled a database with the top 100,000 academics (is 2%) across all fields. The ranking measures the career-long scientific impact based on a composite citation index.

Five scholars from Erasmus School of Economics are part of this ranking: Lans Bovenberg, Rommert Dekker, Philip Hans Franses, Roy Thurik and, not surprisingly, Peter Wakker.

Source: John Ioannidis et al (2020), Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators, PLoS Biology 18(10), e3000918


J.N. Doctor, P.P. Wakker & T. Wang (2020). Economists’ views on the ergodicity problem. Nature Physics, 16:1168

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