prof.dr. (Albert) APM Wagelmans


Albert P.M. Wagelmans (1960) is a Professor of Management Science at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research interests are the development and analysis of optimization methods for production, public transport and health care planning. He has published in journals such as IIE Transactions, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Mathematical Programming, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management and Transportation Science, and served on the editorial boards of Computers & Operations Research and Naval Research Logistics.

Professor Wagelmans is a founding member of the Erasmus Center for Optimization in Public Transport (ECOPT) and the Erasmus Center for Healthcare Logistics (EHCL). He has carried out projects in collaboration with organizations such as NS Dutch Railways, the Schiphol Group, the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), ORTEC Consultants and the Dutch Transplant Foundation (NTS).  Some of his scientific work has been co-sponsored by the first three mentioned organizations and by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). 

From 2006 to 2014, professor Wagelmans served as the director of the Econometric Institute of the Erasmus School of Economics. From 2016 to 2020, he was vice-president of EURO, the Association of European Operational Research Societies. He is currently president of the NGB, the Dutch OR Society.

Professor Wagelmans has received several awards for his excellent teaching, both from his students and from his colleagues at the Erasmus School of Economics.

Erasmus School of Economics

Full professor | Econometrics
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


Nederlands Genootschap voor Besliskunde

Start date approval
April 2022
End date approval
April 2025


Start date approval
February 2024
End date approval
February 2027
Lid programmaraad

Seminar in Quantitative Logistics

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Quantitative Methods for Logistics

Course Code

  • Daniel Potthoff

    Railway Crew Rescheduling: Novel Approaches and Extensions
  • Lars Nielsen

    Rolling Stock Rescheduling in Passenger Railways
  • Georgi Nalbantov

    Essays on Some Recent Penalization Methods with Applications in Finance and Marketing
  • Wilco van den Heuvel

    The Economic Lot-Sizing Problem: New Results and Extensions
  • Csaba Boer

    Distributed Simulation in Industry
  • Ramon Lentink

    Algorithmic Decision Support for Shunt Planning
  • Michiel Vromans

    Reliability of Railway Systems
  • Kevin Pak

    Revenue Management: New Features and Models
  • Mathijn Jan Retel Helmrich

    Green Lot-Sizing
  • Ton de Waal

    Processing of Erroneous and unsafe data
  • Dolores Romero-Morales

    Optimization Problems in Supply Chain Management
  • Leon Peeters

    Cyclic Railway Timetable Optimization
  • Twan Dollevoet

    Delay Management and Dispatching in Railways
  • Jeroen van Oostrum

    Applying Mathematical Models to Surgical Patient Planning
  • Remy Spliet

    Vehicle Routing with Uncertain Demand
  • Xiandong Zhang

    Scheduling with Time Lags
  • Kristiaan Glorie

    Clearing Barter Exchange Markets: Kidney Exchange and Beyond
  • Zahra Mobini Dehkordi

    Supply Chain Coordination with Separating and Pooling Contracts
  • Joris Wagenaar

    Practice Oriented Algorithmic Disruption Management in Passenger Railways
  • Harwin de Vries

    Evidence-Based Optimization in Humanitarian Logistics
  • Harwin de Vries

    Evidence-Based Optimization in Humanitarian Logistics
  • Evelot Westerink-Duijzer

    Mathematical Optimization in Vaccine Allocation
  • Kevin Dalmeijer

    Time Window Assignment in Distribution Networks
  • Rutger Kerkkamp

    Optimisation Models for Supply Chain Coordination under Information Asymmetry
  • Thomas Visser

    Vehicle Routing and Time Slot Management
  • Erwin Abbink

    Crew Management in Passenger Rail Transport
  • Mathijs van Zon

    Cost Allocation in Collaborative Transportation
  • Lisanne Rijn, van

    Open PhD project at the Econometric Institute in Operations Research or Quantitative Logistics
  • Utku Karaca

    Privacy in Resource Allocation Problems
  • Ymro Hoogendoorn

    Vehicle Routing with Varying Levels of Demand Information
  • Qing Chuan Ye

    Multi-objective Optimization Methods for Allocation and Prediction
  • Arpan Rijal

    Managing External Temporal Constraints in Manual Warehouses
  • Rowan Hoogervorst

    Improving the Scheduling and Rescheduling of Rolling Stock: Solution Methods and Extensions
  • Rolf van Lieshout

    Integration, Decentralization and Self-Organization: Towards Better Public Transport
  • Roby Cremers

    PhD on Organ Transplantation

News regarding prof.dr. (Albert) APM Wagelmans

Albert Wagelmans receives the Paul Kleindorfer Award in Sustainability

The Paul Kleindorfer Award in Sustainability has been awarded to Prof. Albert Wagelmans (ESE), Dr Harwin de Vries (RSM) and Prof. Joris van de Klundert (ESHPM).

Albert Wagelmans obtains a seat in the University Council

Faculty member Prof. Albert Wagelmans has been elected as member of the University Council. His assignment takes effect immediately and lasts until 31 August…

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