Erasmus University guarantees study for academic year 2020-2021

campus Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) guarantees all prospective students and re-enrolling students that all education for the next academic year will be offered from 1 September 2020, on-campus, online or in blended form. Also, all exams will be offered, if necessary in an adapted form. However, be aware that especially with respect to Psychology master specialisations some practicals will probably need face-to-face education and that online education will in those exceptional cases not be possible.

Extra motivated for registration

EUR wants to guarantee that education will continue in any case from 1 September 2020. The goal remains to resume all usual activities on our campus as soon as possible. We hope that this will reassure our students and prospective students so that they feel extra motivated to enrol in a study program at EUR.

If circumstances do not allow for resuming activities on campus, EUR is determined to ensure that students can continue to study effectively. Currently, EUR is preparing for a scenario in which education will continue to be delivered through distance learning combined with education on-campus. In this way, the university can continue to support everyone in achieving their ambitions in the coming academic year.

Registration for Bachelor's and Master's programs open until 1 June 2020

The guarantee also applies to international who have been unable to arrange a visa or students who have travel restrictions. Nevertheless, other rules apply for Medicine and studies at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and as such are not part of this guarantee. Depending on the exact program prospective students and students can still register for a bachelor's or master's program until 1 June 2020. Registration will be subject to an amended admission procedure as a response to COVID-19.

EUR will continue to support students and prospective students in making good choices for the study programmes and will provide tips and advice on how to prepare appropriately for the coming year. More information can be found on the website, which offers information on the numerous options for prospective students, including, for example, how to follow an online taster day or view information sessions. Further, it also includes options to chat with current EUR students and also how to come into contact with study officers.

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