Participate in an experiment

Sign up for an experiment

As a participant, you make a concrete contribution to the development of scientific insights relating to social subjects. We are always looking for people who are open to taking part in our research in the EBL.

The EBL makes use of three online systems for recruiting participants for research and experiments.

The ERAS system (EBL Research Administration System)
This system manages the compulsory course participation hours of ESSB students. It is embedded in the learning environment of ESSB..

The ERPS system  (ERIM Research Participation System)
This system depends on the involvement of lecturers from selected (RSM) courses which wish to offer students the opportunity to obtain course credits by participating in research. These students always take part in research on a strictly voluntary basis. Students may receive payment or credits.

The EURO system (Erasmus University Research Opportunities)
This system is open to anyone, students and non-students, who are interested in participating in surveys for a paid fee (approx. 10.- per hour).

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