Brain Awareness Week 2024

Wonders of the Changing Brain
Monday 11 Mar 2024, 00:00 - Sunday 17 Mar 2024, 00:00
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Rotterdam! In March 2024 Erasmus University College celebrates the International Brain Awareness Week and will explore the Wonders of The Changing Brain.

For the second time, Brain Awareness Week will bring Brain Science closer to the whole Rotterdam community!

​Join us between the 11th and 17th of March 2024 and learn very interesting things about our brain, how it explains our behaviour, and how it changes over time. 

This year, our talks, workshops, and activities will spin around The Changing Brain! 

Our brains would love to hear from you, so check our agenda (including the registration link) and stay tuned to learn about the amazing activities around Rotterdam open to everyone! 

Free entry to all activities! For some registration is mandatory.


Night talks:

A normal brain, a normal mind?
11th March 2024, 18:30 – 20:00 

Erasmus University College, Nieuwemarkt 1A, 3011 HP Rotterdam, Netherlands

Dr. K. Bauer and Dr. M. Wehrle from the Erasmus School of Philosophy will have a very interesting and interactive workshop about...a normal brain...a normal mind? 
Join them in the conversation during the opening Panel Talk of Brain Awareness Week 2024! Register here!

The Changing Brain: Rethinking opportunities
13th March 2024, 18:30 – 20:00

Erasmus University College, Nieuwemarkt 1A, 3011 HP Rotterdam, Netherlands

Youth development is often examined as a period of risks and opportunities, given that brain development continues into the early twenties in interplay with social experiences. Dr. Eveline Crone, professor of Developmental Neuroscience at ESSB, will discuss how the same neural sensitivity contributing to risk-taking contributes to prosocial behaviour towards others. Join this fantastic lecture and register here!

The changing “me” as a result of dementia
15th March 2024, 18:30 – 20:00

Erasmus University College, Nieuwemarkt 1A, 3011 HP Rotterdam, Netherlands

During the course of dementia, a brain disease, the personality of the person with dementia can change. How do you ensure you keep taking care of both the “former me” and the “new me”? What should be done if the preferences and values of a person with dementia alter? What is the status of AD? Register here!

Morning activities:

Open Brain Awareness Day for adults!!
15th March 2024, 10:00 – 15:00

Erasmus University College, Nieuwemarkt 1A, 3011 HP Rotterdam, Netherlands

Would you like to experience the different ways neuroscience has to study the brain? Would you like to take part in a real brain dissection? Register, and join us for an amazing and fun day learning about the brain! The lunch is on the house ;)

Family experience - learn about research in neuroscience at Het Natuurhistorisch Museum
16th March 2024

Het Natuurhistorisch Museum, Westzeedijk 345, 3015 AA Rotterdam, Netherlands

Have you ever wondered how research in neuroscience is done? Want to see some cool devices and different experiments used in neuroscience research? During the weekend of 16th March 2024, an incredible group of neuroscientists from EMC and the ESSB will have some cool experiments! Join us and experiment! There is no registration required. 

About Brain Awareness week 

Brain Awareness Week is the global campaign to foster public enthusiasm and support for brain science. Every March, participants host imaginative activities in their communities that share the wonders of the brain, and the impact brain science has on our everyday lives.

Event organizers include colleges and universities, hospitals, medical research facilities, advocacy groups, outreach organizations, professional associations, government agencies, corporations, and more.

Partners BAW Rotterdam

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences | Erasmus University College
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy
  • Erasmus Medical Center
  • Erasmus Verbindt
  • Het Natuurhistorisch Museum


More information

Organisation: Erasmus University College 

Marjolein Kooistra, communications ESSB | 06 83676038 |

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