Jacopo Della Rosa

Before I started studying at EUC I already knew I wanted to study Psychology. What I found out, from the many open days and experience days at all the different universities that I applied to, is that just a Psychology bachelor mainly focuses on the clinical side of Psychology. I love Psychology for how broad it is as a field, it varies from a clinical side to a social side or organizational or personality side. There are many fields withing Psychology and I decided to come to EUC because I knew that thanks to EUC I was able to discover and learn about the different fields of psychology. EUC has helped me by showing me the different sides of Psychology by having such a broad range of courses within each department and giving me my own choice of courses it helped follow more the path of psychology that I thought suited me best.

Jacopo Della Rosa

Class of 2020, major in Psychology

Currently I am taking a year to do an internship

in Human Resources in a pharmaceutical company in Milan. The internship will last for about a year and it truly helps me to find out more about the field of Human Resources which truly interests me. I am in charge of a project which has to do with self-evaluations and evaluations of employees and the main objective is to come up with an individual development plan for each employee. It is a great opportunity to continue to broaden my knowledge and skills that were first learned at EUC.

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