Faculty Colloquium V: The Philosophy of Cinematic Worlds

woensdag 12 mei 2021, 17:00 - 18:45
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People in cinema
Luis Quintero

On May 12th the fifth Faculty Colloquium of this academic year will take place. Daniel Yacavone will talk about the Philosophy of Cinematic Worlds. We hereby cordially invite you to what promises to be an inisightful and refreshing event!

Yacavones work provides a framework for better understanding relations among cinematic representation, fiction, style, and affect/emotion. Drawing on both analytic and continental philosophy, as well as film theory, and by way of reflection on the worlds of art and experience, he will discuss a few central concepts and arguments. He will go into the logical, ontological, and experiential distinction between the “world-in” and the “world-of” films (and Robert Pippin’s recent Hegelian and socio-political-centred extension of it). He will discuss its perhaps surprising philosophical lineage (dating back to the birth of modern aesthetics in the mid-18thcentury), and its particular relevance to his current rethinking of the theory and practice of self-reflexivity in narrative cinema.

Daniel Yacavone is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at The University of Edinburgh, where he has been director of the Film Studies Programme, and a Fellow-in-Residence at The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS). From July 2021, he will be Senior Research Fellow at the Free University Berlin’s Center for Advanced Film Studies (‘Cinepoetics’). A former British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, he holds a doctorate in film studies from Edinburgh and a master’s in philosophy from the University of York (UK).

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