More information
- Aldo Houterman (2024) - Bodies as communication systems. The relevance of Michel Serres’s philosophy of science for health care - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy - doi: 10.1007/s11019-024-10244-5 - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2024) - Marx’s repulsion and Serres’s turbulence: a Lucretian philosophy of movement - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport - doi: 10.1080/00948705.2024.2431966 - [link]
- Aldo Houterman & Sandra Meeuwsen (2024) - Sport en filosofie in context - Wijsgerig Perspectief, 64 (03), 4 - doi: 10.5117/WP2024.3.001.HOUT - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2024) - Cyclisme et Émancipation: Une philosophie collective du cyclisme - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2024) - Lichaamsbeelden in de filosofie, wetenschap en sport - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2024) - Sport in an Algorithmic Age: Michel Serres on Bodily Metamorphosis - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 18 (2), 126-141 - doi: 10.1080/17511321.2023.2190155 - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2023) - 'De arts moet zichzelf een beetje durven zien als parasiet': Gesprek met Massimiliano Simons - Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde en Ethiek, 33 (1), 20-22 - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2022) - Luisteren naar Ruis - Wijsgerig Perspectief, 62 (3), 34-41 - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2021) - Verlangen naar de smash: Over de turbulentie van beweging en emotie - Sportgericht Magazine, 75 (3), 26-29 - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2020) - Over de lichamelijkheid van emoties - Tijdschrift Conflicthantering, 2020 (3)
- Aldo Houterman (2019) - Wij zijn ons lichaam: wat sport en beweging ons vertellen over menselijk gedrag - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2018) - De gymles van Michel Serres - Filosofie Magazine, 28 (5) - [link]
- Aldo Houterman (2024) - Technology in Sport: A Serresian Perspective (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2024) - Michel Serres on Sport in 'Cahiers de Formation' (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2022) - Philosophy of Movement and its consequences for Ethics and Sport (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2022) - 2022 International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (IAPS) Conference (Participant)
Activiteit: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2022) - BPSA / EAPS Conference (Participant)
Activiteit: Attending an event › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2022) - Sport in an Algorithmic Age: Metamorphosing Bodies in the work of Michel Serres (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2021) - Sport in an Algorithmic Age: Metamorphosing Bodies in the work of Michel Serres (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Aldo Houterman (2021) - Merleau-Ponty and Serres as philosophers of the Sporting Body (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic
Minor Sports and Society
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FEB53120M