prof.dr. (Jos) J de Mul


Prof.dr. Jos de Mul (1956) is professor in Philosophical Anthropology and its History at Erasmus School of Philosophy. He studied Philosophy in Utrecht and Amsterdam (MA in 1981, cum laude) and in 1993 he obtained his PhD (cum laude) at the University of Nijmegen with a thesis in which he reconstructed Wilhelm Dilthey’s Kritik der historischen Vernunft [Critique of historical Reason]. He has joined Erasmus School of Philosophy since 1988.

De Mul’s research focuses on the (partly overlapping) domains of philosophical anthropology, philosophy of art and culture, and the philosophy of information and communication technologies. He has published about thrirty books and more than two hundred twenty academic articles and book contributions. He also contributes on regular basis to leading national quality newspapers and weekly’s in The Netherlands, such as Trouw, de Volkskrant, NRC Handelsblad, Vrij Nederland and De Groene Amsterdammer. His work has been published and/or translated in more than a dozen languages. His monographs include Romantic Desire in (Post)Modern Art and Philosophy (State University of New York Press, 1999), The Tragedy of Finitude. Dilthey’s Hermeneutics of Life (Yale University Press, 2004), Cyberspace Odyssey (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010), and Destiny Domesticated. The Rebirth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Technology (State University of New York Press, 2014). Volumes (co-)edited by De Mul include Plessners’s Philosophical Anthropology. Perspectives and Prospects (Amsterdam University Press, 2012) and Playful Identities. The Ludification of Digital Media Cultures (Amsterdam University Press, 2015).

See for CV and further information:

List of (partly downloadable) publications.

Coming invited (public) lectures.

So far, he has been quite successful in the acquisition of research funds (e.g. the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Australian Research Council, Cassirer Foundation, and Dutch Foundation for Literature). So far, De Mul supervised 30 successfully completed PhD theses, while 14 other PhD projects are running.

List of PhD projects supervised by De Mul

Het has been visiting professor at several prestigious international universities, such as the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (2007-2008), Fudan University in Shanghai (2008), and Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto (2016), and visiting fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He is member of the editorial board of many (inter)national journals and book series, and has been member and chair of various program committees of the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO) and (international) quality assessment committees. De Mul was President of the International Association of Aesthetics (IAA) and Vice-President of the International Helmuth Plessner Gesellschaft. In 1994 he was awarded a national Praemium Erasmianum Research Prize for his dissertation De tragedie van de eindigheid. Dithey’s hermeneutiek van het leven, and in 2003 he received the Socratesbeker for the most urgent, innovative and exciting philosophy book published in 2002, for his book Cyberspace odyssee.

Areas for PhD-supervision:

  1. Philosophical Anthropology
  2. Philosophy of Biology
  3. Philosophy of Mind
  4. Philosophy of Information and Communication Technologies
  5. Philosophy of New Media
  6. Philosophy of Culture
  7. Philosophy of Art
  8. History of 19th and 20th century German philosophy

For further information and list of (downloadable) publications see

Erasmus School of Philosophy

Professor emeritus | WP ESPhil
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Jos de Mul (23 december 2021) - Three books about living in a world full of algorithms
  • Jos de Mul (15 december 2021) - -The fourth edition of the 'Videogames High Culture ' project will take place at the Cineporto di Bari, in a real-virtual mixed format
  • Jos de Mul (14 december 2021) - Videogames & High Culture
  • Jos de Mul (9 november 2021) - ‘Databases manipulate our identity’ – NEMO Kennislink
  • Jos Mul (13 juni 2020) - De speelse mens. Interview met Esma Linneman
  • Jos Mul (21 april 2020) - De anderhalve meter campus. Interview met Tara Lewis
  • Jos Mul (21 april 2020) - Omgang met het noodlot in tijden van corona
  • Jos Mul & W Swimmen (1 januari 2020) - Mind uploading. De geest uit het vlees. Interview met Michael Graziano, Jos de Mul en Francis Heylighen
  • Jos Mul & C Vemer (27 juli 2019) - Interview met Jos de Mul over zijn boek Breng mij die horizon! Filosofische reisverhalen.
  • Jos Mul & F Geraets (23 juni 2019) - Interview met Jos de Mul over Breng mij die horizon!

  • Jos de Mul (2022) - Uncle 'Sim' wants you! Playful warefare.
  • Jos de Mul (2022) - Promises and concerns concerning AI
  • Jos de Mul (2022) - The Matrix (IV): actueler dan oiit
  • Jos de Mul & Julien Kloeg (2022) - Giving the Devil his Due: The Ambiguous Presence of Carl Schmitt in Plessner’s Political Writings
  • Jos de Mul (2022) - Inleiding en discussieleiding lezing Kees Schuyt: Plessner en de kracht van de liberale democratie.
  • Jos de Mul (2022) - Fourfold Hermeneutics. De Mul on Prooi on Kiyozawa on Epictetus
  • Jos de Mul (2022) - From mythology to technology and back. Human‐animal combinations in the era of digital recombinability
  • Jos de Mul (2022) - Is life a simulation?
  • Jos de Mul (2021) - Cyber Homo Ludens
  • Jos de Mul (2021) - (Cyber)Space Odysee. Inleiding tot Kubriks meesterwerk

Master 1
Year Level
Master 1
Course Code

  • Liesbeth Noordegraaf

    Contested Communication: A Critical Analysis of Central Bank Speech

News regarding prof.dr. (Jos) J de Mul

Mutaties in onze geest

Filosoof Jos de Mul reisde voorafgaand aan de coronacrisis naar onder meer Bali, Hongkong en Sydney. Hij ontdekte: de ergste virussen zitten in ons hoofd.
Netwerk van wegen,

Een filosofisch advies voor Thierry Baudet

Jos de Mul schreef voor Dagblad Trouw een essay met een filosofisch advies voor Thierry Baudet, die de Romantiek met een Reinaissancevloot de Nederlandse…

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