
Campus V H M buildings

We offer a broad range of courses. From academic courses that focus on specific topics (from Business Management to International Health Policy) to language courses and lectures. There's always an interesting course for you at Erasmus University Rotterdam!

Overview courses

54 results

  • Strategic Communication

    This course focuses on how to identify strategic threats and contributions to organisations that can be managed by corporate communications.
  • Reputation Management

    Learn the latest academic knowledge and best practices for managing reputations to attract better investors, customers and employees for your organisation.
  • Organisational Change

    Learn about change and development applied to organisations, groups and individuals, and explore how theoretical perspectives are reflected in a range of…
  • Corporate Responsibility

    How can you align corporate responsibility with your companies’ business purpose, the values of stakeholders, and the needs of the communities in which you...
  • Digital Communication

    Investigate the transformation that technology has brought to the field of corporate communication, and how you can make effective use of it.
  • Winter Course in Corporate Communication

    Explore the key themes of corporate communication, the latest academic developments, strategic frameworks and proven methodologies with well-known academia and…
  • Issues Management and Public Affairs

    How can you work with the two closely related disciplines of issues management and public affairs? What strategies will help you to use them within the…
  • Employee Communication

    Understand strategies and principles of effective employee communication.
  • Leadership and Communication

    Strengthen your strategic and leadership skills, expand your general business knowledge, and enhance your professional competence at a personal, organisational…
  • Summer Course in Corporate Communication

    Explore the key themes of corporate communication, the latest academic developments, strategic frameworks and proven methodologies with well-known academia and…

Language & Training Centre

Spanish 2024


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An Academic Writing selfstudy

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)

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Woman stands in front of the Rotterdam Central station.

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