10 tips to be financially fit during your studies

Create a realistic overview of your monthly expenses and try to stick to it. This helps you maintain control and oversight of your finances. 

Consider getting a part-time job to earn extra income. This not only helps cover your study expenses but also allows you to save some money.

Check whether you qualify for student finance and an additional grant. If you're considering extra loans, borrow consciously, as you will always have to repay them. 

Take advantage of student discounts on various products and services, such as public transportation, software, and entertainment. 

Set aside a small amount of money monthly as savings, even if it's just a few euros per month. This can be useful for unexpected expenses. 

Plan your meals and create a grocery list to avoid impulsive purchases. This helps control expenses and reduce food waste. 

Limit your socializing expenses by discussing budget-friendly alternatives with friends. You can have social activities without exceeding your budget. 

Review your subscriptions, such as streaming services, gym memberships, and insurance critically. If you don't use certain services often, consider canceling them to save costs. 

Pay attention to your energy consumption in your (student) residence. Turn off devices when not in use and consider using energy-efficient lighting. This can help reduce your monthly bills. 

Make use of financial apps provided by your bank, for example, to track your expenses and manage your budget. This can help you make more conscious financial choices.

By applying these tips, you can better manage your financial situation during your studies and enjoy your student life more. To learn more about your finances, visit the page: Studying and Finances.

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