As student psychologists, we are heavily involved in treating mental problems in students, but we too believe that prevention is better than treatment!
Your college years are an exciting time characterized by a myriad of changes and new responsibilities. Think academic pressures, managing your social obligations, expectations of yourself and others, financial matters and self-care. Try balancing that!
It's not unusual to feel overwhelmed at times and this is where we come in. Through this project, we try to provide you with tips and advice to build resilience, develop self-awareness, build healthy relationships, and take good care of yourself. The app ROOM, developed by and for students of the Erasmus University, helps you to further develop and strengthen these skills. Additionally, we have the following initiatives:
Sticky Thoughts
With this project we try to get mutual conversations about difficult topics going.

EUR Unfiltered podcast
In our podcast series we discuss different themes and share useful tips and advice

Overview of help available within the EUR
Sometimes prevention is not enough, and you may feel you need more help. Not sure where to turn? Student Wellbeing has a helpful tool to get you started! Would you rather make an appointment directly with one of the student psychologists? You can do so immediately.
See the trainings and workshops offered by us.
Contact details
- Ms. S. (Sara) Borrelli MSc (she, her)
Woudestein: Mon and Tue
- Ms. A. (Alexandra) Serry MSc (she, her)
Woudestein: Mon, Tue, Wed and Thu
Idea Box
Idea Box
Do you have an idea that could benefit the prevention of mental complaints?