Regulations concerning the transition from Bachelor and Pre-master to Master

In order to limit study delay as a result of the corona measures as much as possible, the School's Programme Management in consultation with the Examination Board has established custom regulations for bachelor and pre-master students who want to start a master degree programme as of September 2022.

Below you will find the admission requirements that you must meet to be admitted to the master programme of your choice.

Application for admission to the master is possible from 1 June to 1 August 2022. The application procedure can be found on the Master Application website.

Please note: 

  • If you are admitted to the master of your choice on 1 September 2022 based on these regulations, you may start the master with deficiencies in your prior knowledge. That is why we advise you to complete as many bachelor or pre-master courses as possible before 1 September, even if you already meet the admission requirements. Also keep in mind that by following bachelor and master courses simultaneously, you may experience timetable conflicts next year.
  • You cannot graduate from the master programme until you have successfully completed your bachelor or pre-master programme. And your bachelor or pre-master programme must be completed by 31 August 2023, otherwise you will not be able to enrol for the master in the academic year 2023-2024.
  • If last year you made use of the transition regulations you cannot do so again. Hence, if you are currently studying in the (pre-)master, you need to have finished your bachelor programme latest 31 August 2022. If you have not finished your bachelor programme, you will not be able to re-enroll for the master.

You will receive a conditional Admission Statement (in Dutch: voorwaardelijk Bewijs van Toelating) for the master of your choice if you have obtained at least 168 ec of the access giving bachelor programme, of which in any case the following exam components are compulsory:

Bachelor-1 completed 60 ec
Bachelor-2 completed  60 ec
Major seminar12 ec
Thesis10 ec

If you do not complete your bachelor thesis before 1 August (application deadline), you can ask your thesis supervisor for a thesis statement, declaring that you will have finished your thesis on 1 September 2022.

In case you have not finished your bachelor thesis by 1 September 2022, access to the master examinations will be blocked.

You will receive a conditional Admission Statement (in Dutch: voorwaardelijk Bewijs van Toelating) for the Pre-master Econometrics and Management Science if you have obtained at least 168 ec of the Economie en Bedrijfseconomie / IBEB bachelor programme, of which in any case the following exam components are compulsory:

Bachelor-1 completed60 ec
Bachelor-2 completed60 ec
FEB12019 Matrix algebra or FEB12019X Matrix Algebra (econometrics)6 ec
FEB21021 Analyse or FEB21021 Analysis (econometrics)6 ec
FEB21023 Vector calculus or FEB21023X Vector Calculus (econometrics)4 ec
Major seminar12 ec
Thesis10 ec

If you do not complete your bachelor thesis before 1 August (application deadline), you can ask your thesis supervisor for a thesis statement, declaring that you will have completed your thesis on 1 September 2022.

In case you have not finished your bachelor thesis by 1 September 2022, access to the pre-master examinations will be blocked.

You will receive a conditional Admission Statement (in Dutch: voorwaardelijk Bewijs van Toelating) for the Fiscale Economie master if you have obtained at least 168 ec of the Fiscale Economie bachelor programme, of which in any case the following exam components are compulsory:

Bachelor-1 completed  60 ec
Bachelor-2 completed60 ec

Three out of:

FEB43007 Economics of Taxation 
FEB43008 Belasting op onroerende zaken
FEB43013 Vennootschapsbelasting
FEB43016 Inkomstenbelasting B
FEB43017 Integratie Fiscale Economie


4 ec
4 ec
8 ec
6 ec
4 ec

Thesis10 ec

If you do not complete your bachelor thesis before 1 August (application deadline), you can ask your thesis supervisor for a thesis statement, declaring that you will have finished your thesis on 1 September 2022.

In case you have not finished your bachelor thesis by 1 September 2022, access to the master examinations will be blocked.

You will receive a conditional Admission Statement (in Dutch: voorwaardelijk Bewijs van Toelating) for the master Economics and Business if you have obtained at least 168 ec of the BSc2 programme, of which in any case the following exam components are compulsory:

Year 1 Bachelor-1 Econometrics - completed61 ec
FEB11006X Organisation and Strategy8 ec
FEB11008X Marketing (IBEB) or FEB12018X Empirical Marketing4 ec
FEB11018X Accounting (IBEB)8 ec
FEB11020X Philosophy4 ec
FEB11019Q Academic Skills (BSc2) 3 ec
FEB12001X Applied Microeconomics8 ec
FEB12003X Finance 1 (IBEB)8 ec
FEB12004X International Economics          8 ec
FEB12007X Intermediate Accounting (IBEB)8 ec
FEB12015X Introduction to Behavioural Economics4 ec
FEB12017X Economics of the Welfare State4 ec
Major Seminar IBEB12 ec
Thesis BSc212 ec

If you do not complete your bachelor thesis before 1 August (application deadline), you can ask your thesis supervisor for a thesis statement, declaring that you will have finished your thesis on 1 September 2022.

In case you have not finished your bachelor thesis by 1 September 2022, access to the master examinations will be blocked.

You will receive a conditional Admission Statement (in Dutch: voorwaardelijk Bewijs van Toelating) for the master Econometrics and Management Science if you have obtained at least 168 ec of the BSc2 programme, of which in any case the following exam components are compulsory:

Year 1 Bachelor-1 Econometrics completed61 ec
FEB22002X Combinatorial Optimisation4 ec
FEB22003X Introduction to multivariate statistics4 ec
FEB22004X Econometrics 14 ec
FEB22005X Econometrics 24 ec
FEB22006X Nonlinear Optimisation4 ec
FEB22008X Markov Processes4 ec
FEB22009X Introductory Seminar Case Studies    8 ec
FEB22012X Programming4 ec
FEB22013X Simulation4 ec
FEB23001X Time Series Analysis4 ec
FEB11019Q Academic Skills (BSc2)4 ec
Major Seminar Econometrics12 ec
Thesis BSc212 ec

If you do not complete your bachelor thesis before 1 August (application deadline), you can ask your thesis supervisor for a thesis statement, declaring that you will have finished your thesis on 1 September 2022.

In case you have not finished your bachelor thesis by 1 September 2022, access to the master examinations will be blocked.

You will receive a conditional Admission Statement (in Dutch: voorwaardelijk Bewijs van Toelating) for the master of your choice if you have completed with a sufficient result (5.5 or higher) at least the following courses of the access giving Pre-master:

FEB11018X Accounting8 ec
FEB12003X Finance 1 (IBEB)8 ec
FEB12005X Applied Statistics 24 ec
FEB12007X Intermediate Accounting (IBEB)8 ec

One out of:

FEB13004X Seminar Financial Accounting and Reporting
FEB13005X Seminar Management Accounting


12 ec
12 ec

One out of:

FEB13006 Advanced Financial Accounting
FEB13007 Advanced Management Accounting
FEB33004 Enterprise Information Systems


4 ec
4 ec
4 ec

One out of:

FEB12010 Fiscale Economie
FEB13021 Money, Credit and Banking
FEB23010 Monetary Economics
FEB43007 Economics of Taxation


4 ec
4 ec
4 ec
4 ec

FEB11003X Introduction to Mathematics4 ec
FEB11001X Microeconomics8 ec
FEB12003X Finance 1 (IBEB)8 ec
FEB12004X International Economics                     8 ec
FEB12005X Applied Statistics 24 ec
FEB12012X Introduction to Econometrics  8 ec
FEB12007X Intermediate Accounting8 ec

FEB11003 Inleiding Wiskunde4 ec
FEB42001 Inkomstenbelasting A4 ec
FEB42002 Omzetbelasting4 ec
FEB43005 Successiewet2 ec
FEB43016 Inkomstenbelasting B6 ec
FEB43004 Formeel Bestuurs- en Belastingrecht     4 ec
FEB43007 Economics of Taxation   4 ec
FEB43008 Belasting op Onroerende Zaken 4 ec
FEB43013 Vennootschapsbelasting            8 ec
FEB43015 Internationaal en Europees Belastingrecht-basis 4 ec
FEB43017 Integratie Fiscale Economie4 ec

FEB21011S Introduction to Programming of
FEB22012 Programmeren
4 ec
FEB21005S Probability Theory (pre-master)4 ec
FEB21007S Statistics (pre-master) 4 ec
FEB22006 Niet-lineair Optimaliseren4 ec
FEB22004 Econometrie 14 ec
FEB22008 Markov Processen4 ec
FEB22009S Introductory Case Studies Econometrics and Operations Research (premaster)4 ec

And from the chosen specialisation:


FEB22003 Inleiding Multivariate Statistiek4 ec
FEB21020 Micro-economie (econometrie)6 ec
FEB22005 Econometrie 24 ec

Quantitative Finance

FEB22003 Inleiding Multivariate Statistiek4 ec
FEB21020 Micro-economie (econometrie) or
FEB22017 Finance (econometrie)
6 or 4 ec
FEB22005 Econometrie 24 ec

Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing

FEB22003 Inleiding Multivariate Statistiek  4 ec
FEB21020 Micro-economie (econometrie)  6 ec
FEB22005 Econometrie 24 ec
FEB22018 Marketing (econometrie)4 ec

Operations Research and Quantitative Logistics

FEB21009 Lineair Programmeren4 ec
FEB22002 Combinatorisch optimaliseren4 ec
FEB21020 Micro-economie (econometrie) or
FEB22017 Finance (econometrie)
6 or 4 ec
FEB22013 Simulatie4 ec

FEB21011S Introduction to Programming or
FEB22012X Programming
4 ec
FEB21005S Probability Theory (pre-master)4 ec
FEB21007S Statistics (pre-master)4 ec
FEB22006X Nonlinear Optimisation4 ec
FEB22004X Econometrics14 ec
FEB22008X Markov Processes4 ec
FEB22009S Introductory Case Studies Econometrics and Operations Research (premaster)4 ec

And from the chosen specialisation:


FEB22003X Introduction to Multivariate Statistics4 ec
FEB21020X Microeconomics (econometrics)6 ec
FEB22005X Econometrics 24 ec

Quantitative Finance

FEB22003X Introduction to Multivariate Statistics 4 ec
FEB21020X Microeconomics (econometrics) or
FEB22017X Finance (econometrics)
6 or 4 ec
FEB22005X Econometrics 24 ec

Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing

FEB22003X Introduction to Multivariate Statistics4 ec
FEB21020X Microeconomics (econometrics)6 ec
FEB22005X Econometrics 24 ec
FEB22018X Marketing (econometrics)4 ec

Operations Research and Quantitative Logistics

FEB21009X Lineair Programming4 ec
FEB22002X Combinatorial Optimisation4 ec
FEB21020X Microeconomics (econometrics) or
FEB22017X Finance (econometrics)
6 or 4 ec
FEB22013X Simulation4 ec


If you have any questions about these regulations, please contact the study advisers.

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