Legal position

As a student, you encounter various (education and examination) regulations, guidelines and of course the law. The university takes many decisions, which sometimes directly involve and have an impact on you. In some cases, you may not agree with the decision.

During your studies, you also encounter many different university staff, such as lecturers, staff from the educational office, campus employees as well as fellow students. You may not agree with how a member of the university staff or fellow student has behaved towards you. Or you may have a complaint about another issue.

Depending on the nature of the dispute or of your complaint, there are various possibilities for you to appeal, lodge an objection or submit a complaint. There are several objection, appeal and complaint procedures.

You can read more about this in the chapter on legal protection in the Students Charter of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The Students Charter provides an overview of students' rights and obligations and gives information about what you can expect from the education and the provisions.

As a student, you are also entitled to participate in the various forms of university employee and student participation.

Digitally submitting an objection, appeal or complaint

The existence of so many different procedures can make it difficult to decide which procedure applies to your situation. EUR therefore has one facility, the Legal Procedures Facility, where students can submit their objections, appeals and complaints.
You can contact the Legal Procedures Facility directly by sending an e-mail to

Your message will be received by the Legal Procedures department at EUR. They will register it and ensure that your objection, appeal or complaint is forwarded to the appropriate board, committee and/or body. After analysing your message, Legal Procedures sends digital confirmation of receipt, informing you of the board, committee and/or body to which your objection, appeal or complaint has been sent. You will then be updated about its progress.

Would you like to know more about objections, appeals or complaints procedures? 

Besides the Students Charter, you can find more information at Legal Procedures about the different procedures, the period in which you can lodge an objection or appeal and the requirements to be met by your letter of objection or appeal. You will also find which legal protection committees and boards are supported by Legal Procedures and who can contact which bodies and for what purposes.

The confidential counsellors are the point of contact for anyone who has encountered or is encountering inappropriate behaviour or unequal treatment in their study.

You can also contact the ombudsman for questions and problem situations related to studying at EUR. 

And, of course, it is also possible to make an appointment with a student counsellor to discuss your case and get advice before you submit a formal objection, appeal or complaint.

You can read more about the different regulations on the Rules, guidelines and regulations page.

Legal Protection

In case of complaints, objections or appeals

Confidential counsellor

Have you experienced harassment?


For advice, mediation or independent investigation

Student counsellors

Guidance & Advice

Employee & student participation

University Council & Service Councils

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