Effective and Efficient Learning Environments

  • Interview

    Interview on learn to learn, about self-regulated learning in higher education 

  • Interview

    Learning you can learn, about self-regulated learning in primary and secondary education. Read the interview.

    Wetenschapsknooppunt - Hoogbegaafde kinderen
  • Interview

    Interview on the role of learning strategies in learning difficulties. 

    Sam Balye
  • Interview

    Read the interview about the application of principles from educational psychology (more specifically about motivational teaching) in hbo practice and about the teacher as researcher 

    Maranda van der Griff
  • Website

    Website about teaching critical thinking in higher education. The website was created at the initiative of the Brain and Learning chair (Peter Verkoeijen is a lecturer at this chair) and the content is provided by lecturers from various universities of applied sciences. Evidence-informed education to promote critical thinking is central. 

  • Article

    Article about the PhD research of Eva Janssen; combination project of the UU, EUR and Avans Hogeschool. Peter Verkoeijen was one of the co-promoters. 

  • Webinar

    Webinar on teaching critical thinking. Webinar was organised by ECBO. Peter Verkoeijen and Anita Heijltjes hosted the webinar. 

  • Webinar

    A webinar about SRL. The webinar has been organised by the professional magazine Didactief. In this webinar Martine Baars will elaborate on the subject of self-regulated learning.

  • Website

    Together with Leiden University we are doing research into the use of videos in reading comprehension education in primary schools. This project is funded by the NRO. On this website you can find more information about the design and results of the current research. Furthermore, schools can register here to participate in the research.

  • Article

    In this article, Brechtje van Zeijts answers a question from the Ministry of Education. This question was submitted via the NRO knowledge roundabout and concerns what science knows about the effect of reading methods.

  • Article

    Practical article about 10 exercise strategies from memory psychology for the classroom, published in the journal OnderwijsInnovatie (pp. 17-23).

    Big Data; approved articles
  • Video

    In this video Dr. Björn de Koning shares insights from his research into embodied cognition and shows how body movements can contribute to understanding texts and learning comprehension strategies.


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