dr. (Jolien) J Grandia


Dr. Jolien Grandia is Associate Professor of Public Management at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (Erasmus University Rotterdam).

Her research focuses on transformations in public procurement, such as the decentralization of youth and home care and the implementation of sustainable public procurement. Her research combines insights from public administration, organization studies, change management and purchasing.

Dr. Grandia was awarded an EUR Fellowship talent grant for a research into the procurement of care by Dutch municipalities. She is associate editor of the Journal of Public Procurement and editorial board member of the Dutch journal 'Bestuurskunde'. She teaches public administration courses to national and international students in the Public Administration and MISOC Bachelor and Master tracks, supervises theses and was the programme director of the international MISOC bachelor for several years. 

Dr. Grandia previously worked as an assistant professor at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Radboud University in Nijmegen and as a PhD candidate/junior lecturer at the Department of Public Administration of the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. She holds a PhD in Public Administration, a Master of Science in Public Administration, a Master of Arts in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship and a Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Culture Studies, all from the Erasmus University. 

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Associate professor | Management and Organisation


  • Jolien Grandia (2023) - Masterclass Buying the Future
  • Jolien Grandia (2022) - Journal of Public Procurement (External organisation)
  • Jolien Grandia (2022) - Bestuurskunde (External organisation)
  • Jolien Grandia & Leentje Volker (2022) - Publieke inkoop in een nieuw tijdperk
  • Jolien Grandia (2021) - Programmaraad Publiek Inkoop Onderzoek Hogescholen (External organisation)
  • J (Jolien) Grandia, K (Koen) Migchelbrink, S (Sandra) van Thiel & RA (Rowie) Huijbregts (2021) - NIG Conference 2021
  • J (Jolien) Grandia (2021) - Global Procurement Conference: Speaker for the session “Green Procurement” within the “Sustainable Procurement Day”
  • J (Jolien) Grandia (2021) - Procurement under pressure: emerging governance issues in the procurement of medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Jolien Grandia (2018) - Transitie & Transformatie: de decentralisatie als organisatieverandering
  • Jolien Grandia (2018) - Hart of Hard voor MVO

2.4 Allocation & Man. of Pub. Resources

Course Code

4.3 Thesis Master Public Management

Course Code

News regarding dr. (Jolien) J Grandia

Jolien Grandia wint literaire prijs voor haar boek over publiek inkopen

Franse prijs voor haar unieke integrale multidisciplinaire boek op publieke inkoop ten tijde van grote maatschappelijke veranderingen.
Jolien Grandia literaire prijs

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