
  • Business Analytics and Quantitative Marketing

    This challenging programme teaches you how to use the most appropriate quantitative methods when solving business problems and conducting research.
  • Business Information Management

    Master in Business Information Management: Combining business and IT, this master focuses on using information management to improve business performance.
  • Clinical Psychology

    This master's track focuses on psychopathology within adults, with the scientific approach as a central element.
  • Clinical Research

    Research Master in Clinical Research: Learn how to produce the best diagnoses and provide the best treatment: Become a clinician and researcher.
  • Commercial and Company Law

    Master in Commercial and Company Law: Commercial and Company Law provides you with the legal aspects of doing business in an international setting.
  • Corporate Communication

    Post-master in Corporate Communication: The MCC programme is an outstanding opportunity for any executive seeking additional career momentum.
  • Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship

    Uncover the business of arts and culture in the master specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship
  • Data Science and Marketing Analytics

    This programme focuses on the tools and skills that are needed to analyse Big Data in modern businesses and turn it into meaningful insights.
  • Development Studies

    Master in Development Studies: Learn about the most recent theories and debates and how to apply these to practical issues of development and social change.
  • Digitalisation in Work and Society

    Master programme Digitalisation in Work and Society

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