Accounting, Auditing and Control

Department of Business Economics
 Image of a calculator

Paper by Patricia Breuer published in Science

The paper ‘Mandatory disclosure would reveal corporate carbon damages’ by Patricia Breuer and her co-authors has been published in a recent issue of Science.

Work must start paying more. But how?

The House of Representatives is taking steps to increase the tax system; there is consensus that the current tax system is not working well.
Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Fiscal Economics at Erasmus School of Economics

The effects of tax law on financial reporting

Jochen Pierk talks about the findings from a recently published paper, in which he shows that tax laws have an effect on financial reporting.

Dutch Workshop on Corporate Taxation

Bringing together tax researchers from accounting and economics at Dutch universities
Campus from above with Mandeville Building


Account balance written on paper


Non-GAAP winstcijfers: Het einde van accounting?

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