Selection Offer Reply Form BSc2

Congratulations with your place in the BSc2 programme at Erasmus School of Economics. By signing this electronic form you confirm the following:

  • You commit to supplying (if not already done so) Erasmus School of Economics with certified copies of your secondary school diploma and final transcript, relevant for admission to the study programme, before 1 August 2024 (GCE A-level and Irish Leaving Certificate students are offered an extended deadline of 21 August 2024).
  • You have read and agree to the terms and conditions (pdf) which were sent to you by email along with your Selection Offer.
Choose what is applicable: Contains required fields
I need an entry-visa and/or Dutch residence permit and I will send my immigration application to Erasmus School of Economics before 10 July 2024: Contains required fields
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions which were sent to me by e-mail along with my Selection Offer: Contains required fields
I declare that I understand and agree to the information mentioned above, that I filled out this electronic form truthfully and accept the resulting obligations. Contains required fields
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