Tips and Tricks

The Tips & Tricks category is a list of facts and Do's and Don'ts that can help you get the most out of the Voluntary Summer Courses.

  • Take plenty of time to read through the tutorial. The tutorial explains how to use the course programme. After all, nothing is more annoying having an answer rejected because it was not entered into the programme correctly.
  • Use the calculator in the course programme instead of your own graphic calculator (GC). This is because graphing calculators are not allowed in Erasmus School of Economics.
  • Tomorrow never comes… Make sure to maintain a regular course schedule.
  • Do the initial assessment individually. Although it can be useful to receive help with this assessment, if your answers later in the course are not logical, you will be moved back one level. This may result in you having to redo sections of the course that you have already mastered.
  • Don’t be afraid to give a wrong answer. The course programme provides clear explanations that make it possible to properly understand the mathematical concepts.
  • The course sections in which you are asked to draw lines or indicate domains can be challenging. If you find that you are struggling with this, use the help function in the programme.
  • Use a ‘. ‘ instead of a comma, when you want to insert a decimal number.
  • Round brackets define an open end, square brackets define a closed end.  (-5, 8] means everything between -5 and 8, and 8 itself. ∞ has always a round bracket.
  • An open and closed ‘bullet’ is used for the graphic and domain course section.
    • A closed bullet means: less than or equal to (≤) or greater than or equal to (≥). In other words, the location of the bullet is also included.
    • An open bullet means: less than (<) or greater than (>). In other words, the location of the bullet is not included.
  • For making the trigonometric exercises, you can use the following tabels:





cos θ



sin θ
























Inverse cosine function

 y = cos ‾¹(x) means that cos(y) = x and y is in [ - π/2  , π/2  ]

Inverse sine function

y = sin‾¹(x) means that sin(y) = x and y is in [0, π]

Inverse tangent function

y = tan‾¹(x) means that tan(y) = x and y  is in (- π/2  , π/2  )

  • Use the handy Pie Chart to keep track of your progress.
  • Do you have questions about the course or course sections? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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