Modelling of sparse conditional spatial extremes processes subject to left-censoring

EI seminar
Campus Woudestein
Léo Belzile (HEC Montréal)
Thursday 25 May 2023, 12:00 - 13:00
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Campus Woudestein

The conditional spatial extremes model of Wadsworth and Tawn (2022), which focuses on extreme events given threshold exceedance at a site, has garnered a lot of attention as a flexible way to model large-scale spatio-temporal events.



We consider extensions that combine Gaussian Markov random field residual processes along with data augmentation schemes for dealing with left-censored realizations, exploiting the sparsity of the precision matrix obtained through the basis function approximation of the Gaussian process. Models are fitted using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods and we showcase the scalability of the approach using precipitation data from British Columbia. This is joint work with Rishikesh Yadav and Nicholas Beck.

  • About Léo Belzile: Léo Belzile is an assistant professor in the Department of Decision Sciences at HEC Montréal. He obtained his PhD in 2019 from EPFL, Switzerland, where he was advised by Anthony Davison. His main area of research is extreme value analysis, with a particular focus on spatial extremes, likelihood-based inference and statistical software. His applied interests revolve around environmental applications, notably demography, climate and hydrology.

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    Lunch will be provided (vegetarian option included).

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