Money divides

Debatpodium Arminius
Tuesday 29 Nov 2022, 20:00 - 22:00
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Note! This event is in Dutch. How bad is inequality in the Netherlands? Which measures seem (politically) promising? And what can be done about tax avoidance? These questions will be addressed during the event about unequal distribution of wealth. 

A quarter of the Dutch are in debt. At the same time, the richest 1 per cent own more than a quarter of assets. The Netherlands is more unequal than always thought, is one of the conclusions of the report 'Licht uit, spot aan: de vermogensverdeling' that was recently presented to the cabinet. This report also provides possible solutions, as an overly skewed wealth distribution can be harmful for society as well as the economy. One of the proposals is to tax work less and tax wealth more, which economists like Piketty have emphasised before. For a long time it seemed that this was not feasible, but the political climate in the Netherlands seems to be changing. How bad is inequality in the Netherlands? Which measures seem (politically) promising? And what can be done about tax avoidance?

- Miriam Gielen is senior policy officer at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
- Rens Nissen is director of General Financial and Economic Policy at the Ministry of Finance
- Jolanda Timmerman is senior policy officer at the Ministry of Finance
- Arieke Reiding is policy economist at the Ministry of Finance
- Rutger Claassen is professor of Political Philosophy and Economic Ethics at Utrecht University
- Aart Gerritsen is Assistant Professor of Public Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Patrick van Schie is director of the Teldersstichting, the scientific bureau of the VVD
- Henk Nijboer (o.v.b.) is a member of parliament for the PvdA.
- Robert Dur is chairman of KVS, Professor of Economics of Incentives and Performance and is moderating the discussion.

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