An Overview of LGBTQ Health Economics

Kitt Carpenter
Monday 25 Oct 2021, 17:30 - 18:30


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Public attitudes and policies toward LGBTQ individuals have improved substantially in recent decades. Economists are actively shaping the discourse around these policies and are contributing to our understanding of the economic lives of LGBTQ individuals.

This presentation will present the most up-to-date estimates of the size, location, demographic characteristics, and family structures of LGBTQ individuals in the United States.
We describe an emerging literature on the effects of legal access to same-sex marriage on family, health and socioeconomic outcomes.

We also summarize what is known about the size, direction, and sources of wage differentials related to variation in sexual orientation and gender identity. We conclude by describing a range of open questions in LGBTQ (health) economics.

More information

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  • Tinna Laufey Ásgeirsdóttir (University of Iceland)
  • Ana Inés Balsa (Universidad de Montevideo)
  • John Cawley (Cornell University)
  • Hans van Kippersluis (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

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