Research Workshop on Inference and Optimality in Econometrics

Image - Workshop Inference and Optimality in Econometrics

On Wednesday, 21 May 2025 the Econometric Institute will organise a Research Workshop on Inference and Optimality in Econometrics with Professor Isaiah Andrews as keynote speaker. Other confirmed presenters are Bertille Antoine (Simon Fraser), Ismael Yacoub Mourifie (Washington University in St Louis), David Preinerstorfer (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Liyang Sun (UCL), and Frank Windmeijer (Oxford).

Wednesday 21 May 2025, 09:00 - 17:30
Spoken Language
Mandeville Building
Campus Woudestein
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This workshop precedes the Tinbergen Econometrics Lectures 2025, which will be given by Professor Andrews on the Thursday and Friday following the workshop.

A detailed programme will be announced later.

Poster session open to PhD students and junior researchers

During the workshop, there will be a poster session open to PhD students and junior researchers. If you want to participate, please submit an extended abstract below. The deadline for poster submission is 16 March 2025.

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If you would like to participate in this workshop, please register below. Deadline for registration is  14 April 2025.

If you have other food wishes, please send an email to

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See also

Joint Estimation of Conditional Mean and Covariance for Unbalanced Panels

Paul Schneider (University of Lugano)
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Jonas Arias (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia)
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Isaiah Andrews (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
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Bounds of the Market Risk Premium

Jens Jackwerth (University of Konstanz)
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More information

Econometric Institute, phone: +31 (0)10 408 12 59/ 12 64, Email:

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