Statistics Netherlands Press Conference and panel discussion (in Dutch)

Thursday 13 Feb 2020, 09:00 - 10:30
Theil Building
Campus Woudestein
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Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek

On Thursday, 13 February 2020, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) will publish the first estimate of GDP and employment for Q4, 2019. They will also present the annual figures for 2019.

It is the first time that the official press conference is hosted by Erasmus School of Economics, from 09:00 until 10:30 in lecture room CB-05, Theil building, Woudestein campus.


09:00 - Doors open
09:15 - Statement by Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Eric Wiebes
09:30 - CBS press conference 
09:45 - Interactive panel discussion on the implications of the new figures for economic growth, the labor market, and government policy, moderated by Esther van Rijswijk
10:30 - End of programme

Peter Hein van Mulligen Eric Wiebes Bas Jacobs, Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Finance and Economic Policy at Erasmus School of Economics Sandra Phlippen

Panel members (from left to right): Peter Hein van Mulligen (chief economist CBS), Minister Eric Wiebes (Economic Affairs and Climate Policy), Bas Jacobs (professor of public economics, Erasmus School of Economics), and Sandra Phlippen (chief economist ABN AMRO, assistant professor Erasmus School of Economics). 


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