A trans-sectoral exploration of the social-beneficial potential of AI
People walking at an art exhibition.

The ‘radicareful’ AICON movement connects citizens, artists, and researchers in an exploration of the social-beneficial potential and challenges of AI. This collaborative project focuses on empowering communities, allowing citizens to discover what defines their environment and how they engage with the world.

Is it art, science or citizen participation? AICON is about co-creation of concepts that do not fit within those traditional demarcated frameworks. We hope that this will ultimately contribute to the democratization of AI, making AI understandable and accessible to all. Moreover, AICON encourages all social stakeholders to be open to a different way of working together and to explore how we want to organize our society together and what values we value.

AICON was initiated by Erasmus Professor Moniek Buijzen, for the Erasmus Initiative Societal impact of AI (AiPact). This is an open invitation to engage. Scroll down for more information and contact options.

  • AICON zine (in Dutch, click for download)

    AICON Lab at VONK, innovation centre municipality of Rotterdam. An exhibition with artistic installations in co-creation between man and machine. AICON Lab actively invited reflection, dialogue and (inter)action. A canvas for encounter between residents, artists and scientists on AI and society: topics that affect us all. In this publication, a look back at an inspiring six months.

    The cover of this zine was created by training an AI model on zoomed-in details from photos taken during the opening of AICON Lab in late 2023. Thanks to Peim van der Sloot and Marnix Postma (design) and Alexander Santos Lima (photography).

    Cover of the AICON zine made with AI.
    Peim van der Sloot


At AICON Lab, a broader conversation about society and artificial intelligence is enabled. Works of art make AI tangible; they offer us something to experiment with and discuss. Art can spark and facilitate discussion; it opens the way to dialogue. Since its opening, there have been numerous meetings; encounters that have led to inspiring insights. 

  • For example,students from the Master's programme in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship are conducting an impact study to measure the impact of arts initiatives on the digitization of citizens of Rotterdam.
  • IDEA Center is also organising a series of workshops for groups of upper secondary school students/early secondary school students as part of their Academic Outreach Programme. Inspired by "Future Jobs," one of the artworks on display at AICON Lab, and using ChatGPT, participants formulate their vision of jobs of the future. 
  • Researchers from the Algosoc consortium came together to learn from the transdisciplinary and co-creative approaches underlying AICON.

AICON Lab is located at the Timmerhuis until June 2024 in collaboration with Innovation Center @Vonk of the Municipality of Rotterdam.


mensen bij elkaar luisteren naar de toespraak

Watch the AICON short video trilogy Connection, Imagination, Movement

Impact in Sight part 1 - AICON is connection

Student Aki Negate and researcher Moniek Buijzen, along with artists and residents, talk about how they use art to narrow the gap between ordinary citizens and AI.

Student Aki Negate met onderzoeker Moniek Buijzen

Impact in Sight part 2 - AICON is imagination

It's very tough to imagine how to incorporate AI into society or into your daily life. This episode is all about Imagination and AI.

Still from the AICON video series

Impact in Sight part 3 - AICON is movement

AI is a quite an abstract concept. Did you know that AI is being used to find the perfect balance in a coral? This episode is all about movement and AI.

Still from the third AICON video 'Movement'

More about AICON

  • Gallery – visit the virtual exhibition of the AICON project Stadsgezichten (Portraits of the City) in the Metaverse on Muse
  • Open Sea – view and purchase the NFTs made with the AICON Stadsgezichten project.
  • Ronnies op Zuid Podcast - listen to AICON artist Peim van der Sloot and Rotterdam citizen and Albeda student Harun Senih Sevinc who talk about Artificial Intelligence (in Dutch)
  • Ronnies op Zuid Podcast – listen to Farshida Zafar (ErasmusX) and Sarina van la Parra (Chance to Influence) who talk about AICON (in Dutch)
  • AiPact Medium Blog – read this post by Moniek Buijzen on why we need art to cocreate the Societal Impact of AI
  • AiPact Medium Blog – read this post by Moniek Buijzen on how AICON showcases a ‘radicareful’ alternative system
  • AiPact Medium Blog – read this interview with Olivier Dikken from #teamAICON about AICON and the potential and ethical challenges of AI
  • AICON home – read more about AICON, the Hefhouse, and radical education innovation at the ErasmusX homepage


Contact us

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Would you like to know more, organise a meeting with us, participate, give tips, collaborate on an art project or anything else? Send us an email.

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