(Eveline) EJA Groot, MA


Eveline Groot is a PhD candidate at the Department of Philosophy at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research project, titled Reason and the Passions in the Work of Madame De Staël, A Moderate Liberal Female Perspective on Rationality, Sentimentality, and Morality, focusses on the philosophical implications of the political work of Madame de Staël (1766 - 1817).

Erasmus School of Philosophy

PhD candidate | PhD ESPhil
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Eveline Groot (2022) - Lezing over de onzichtbaarheid van vrouwen in geschiedenis van de filosofie
  • Eveline Groot (2022) - Altijd verse bloemen, de kosten van het thuismaken
  • Eveline Groot (2022) - Friends Flourishing in Philosophy: Murdoch, Anscombe, Foot, Midgley and their Paradigm Shift
  • Eveline Groot (2022) - Love of Liberty: Germaine de Staël's Sentimentalist Philosophy
  • Eveline Groot (2021) - Between Sense and Sensibility: Germaine de Staël’s 'Philosophie Sensible'
  • Eveline Groot (2021) - Germaine de Staël's Philosophie Sensible
  • Eveline Groot (2021) - Germaine de Staël, Between Sense and Sensibility
  • CR (Catherine) Koekoek, A (Annalisa) Costella, MHD (Mans) Abrahamson & EJA (Eveline) Groot (2021) - OZSW RANT Workshop 2021
  • Eveline Groot (2021) - Ander licht op de verlichting: de filosofie van Germaine de Staël
  • Eveline Groot (2020) - Even the loudest voice can disappear: the case of Germaine de Staël

  • Eveline Groot (2020) - Honory award Faces of Science

Course Code

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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