Fred Paas is Professor and chair of the research group Educational and Developmental Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands. He is also a Professorial Fellow at the School of Education/Early Start of the University of Wollongong in Australia.
He has been using the theoretical frameworkof cognitive load theory to investigate the instructional control of cognitive load in the training of complex cognitive tasks. His recent research interests include the role of the physical environment in cognition and learning (see article), evolutionary approaches to cognitive load and learning (see article), and the effects of physical activities (e.g., gestures and exercise) on cognition and learning (see news item).
In 2016 he was recognised as the world's most productive author in the five best journals in the field of educational psychology for the period 2009-2014 (see article). He is editor-in-chief of the journal Educational Psychology Review. In addition, he is part of the editorial board of several other renowned journals, such as the Journal of Educational Psychology. He is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association.
The practical impact of his research is evidenced by his public lectures (see example), and his role as an advisor for companies, such as Tinqwise.
EN: Learning, cognition, cognitive load, physical learning environment, mental effort, physical activity, fitness
NL: Leren, cognitie, cognitieve belasting, fysieke leeromgeving, mentale inspanning, fysieke activiteit, fitheid
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Lorenzo Consalvi, Kim Ouwehand & Fred Paas (2024) - Effects of Observing Urban and Natural Scenes on Working Memory Depletion and Restoration: An EEG Study. - Education Sciences, 14 (11) - doi: 10.3390/educsci14111204
- Sílvia Mamede, Adrienne Zandbergen, Marco Antonio De Carvalho-Filho, Goda Choi, Marco Goeijenbier, Joost Van Ginkel, Laura Zwaan, Fred Paas & Henk G. Schmidt (2024) - Role of knowledge and reasoning processes as predictors of resident physicians' susceptibility to anchoring bias in diagnostic reasoning: A randomised controlled experiment - BMJ Quality and Safety, 33 (9), 563-572 - doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2023-016621 - [link]
- Louise David, Felicitas Biwer, Martine Baars, Lisette Wijnia, Fred Paas & Anique de Bruin (2024) - The Relation Between Perceived Mental Effort, Monitoring Judgments, and Learning Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis - Educational Psychology Review, 36 (3) - doi: 10.1007/s10648-024-09903-z - [link]
- Mohammad Khalil, Jacqueline Wong, Barbara Wasson & Fred Paas (2024) - Adaptive support for self-regulated learning in digital learning environments - British Journal of Educational Technology, 55 (4), 1281-1289 - doi: 10.1111/bjet.13479 - [link]
- Christine C. A. van Nooijen, Bjorn B. de Koning, Wichor M. Bramer, Anna Isahakyan, Maryam Asoodar, Ellen Kok, Jeroen J. G. van Merrienboer & Fred Paas (2024) - A Cognitive Load Theory Approach to Understanding Expert Scaffolding of Visual Problem-Solving Tasks: A Scoping Review - Educational Psychology Review, 36 (1) - doi: 10.1007/s10648-024-09848-3 - [link]
- Eric C. Schoute, Patricia A. Alexander, Sofie M.M. Loyens, Doug Lombardi & Fred Paas (2024) - College Students’ Perceptions of Relevance, Personal Interest, and Task Value - Journal of Experimental Education, 92 (1), 76-100 - doi: 10.1080/00220973.2022.2133075 - [link]
- Shirong Zhang, Bjorn B. de Koning & Fred Paas (2023) - Effects of finger and mouse pointing on learning from online split-attention examples - British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (S2), 287-304 - doi: 10.1111/bjep.12556 - [link]
- Suzan van Brussel, Miranda Timmermans, Peter Verkoeijen & Fred Paas (2023) - Comparing instructional strategies to support student teachers’ learning to prepare an open-minded citizenship education lesson - Instructional Science, 51 (3), 451-473 - doi: 10.1007/s11251-023-09623-x - [link]
- Maike Liu, Marjan J. Gorgievski, Jacques Zwaga & Fred Paas (2023) - How entrepreneurship program characteristics foster students' study engagement and entrepreneurial career intentions: A longitudinal study - Learning and Individual Differences, 101 (102249) - doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2022.102249 - [link]
- Menno van Oordt, Kim Ouwehand & Fred Paas (2023) - Restorative Effects of Observing Natural and Urban Scenery after Working Memory Depletion - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (1) - doi: 10.3390/ijerph20010188 - [link]
- Kate M. Xu, Anna Rita Cunha-Harvey, Ronnel B. King, Bjorn B. de Koning, Fred Paas, Martine Baars, Jingjing Zhang & Renate de Groot (2023) - A cross-cultural investigation on perseverance, self-regulated learning, motivation, and achievement - Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 53 (3), 361-379 - doi: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1922270 - [link]
- Myrto F. Mavilidi, Caterina Pesce, Emiliano Mazzoli, Sue Bennett, Fred Paas, Anthony D. Okely & Steven J. Howard (2023) - Effects of cognitively engaging physical activity on preschool children’s cognitive outcomes - Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 94 (3), 839-852 - doi: 10.1080/02701367.2022.2059435 - [link]
- Maike Liu, Marjan Gorgievski, Jacques Zwaga & Fred Paas (2022) - Understanding and motivating student feedback seeking: Insights from a lean startup based entrepreneurship program - The International Journal of Educational Management, 2022 (100750) - doi: 10.1016/j.ijme.2022.100750
- Kim Ouwehand, Jacqueline de Nooijer, Tamara van Gog & Fred Paas (2022) - Action-speech and gesture-speech integration in younger and older adults: An event-related potential study - Journal of Neurolinguistics, 64 - doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroling.2022.101100 - [link]
- Marthe Wiggers & Fred Paas (2022) - Harsh physical discipline and externalizing behaviors in children: A Systematic Review - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (21) - doi: 10.3390/ijerph192114385 - [link]
- Myrto F. Mavilidi, Caterina Pesce, Valentin Benzing, Mirko Schmidt, Fred Paas, Anthony D. Okely & Spyridoula Vazou (2022) - Meta-analysis of movement-based interventions to aid academic and behavioral outcomes: A taxonomy of relevance and integration - Educational Research Review, 37 - doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2022.100478 - [link]
- Shirong Zhang, Bjorn B. de Koning & Fred Paas (2022) - Finger pointing to self-manage cognitive load in learning from split-attention examples - Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36 (4), 767-779 - doi: 10.1002/acp.3961 - [link]
- A Van Straaten, Kim Ouwehand & Fred Paas (2019) - The effects of relative task complexity on subjective ratings of cognitive load (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Gert Jan Rop, W Pouw, Bjorn Koning, Fred Paas & Huib Tabbers (2018) - The effects of spatial distance on the split-attention effect in multimedia learning (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Kim Ouwehand, JA De Nooijer, Tamara Gog & Fred Paas (2018) - The integration of action or gestures with spoken action phrases in young and older adults: An ERP study (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Kim Ouwehand, JA De Nooijer, Tamara Gog & Fred Paas (2017) - The integration of action or gestures with spoken action phrases in young and older adults: An ERP study (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic - Fred Paas (2016) - Educational Psychology Review (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Fred Paas (2016) - Educational Psychology Review (Journal) (Editor in chief)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Fred Paas (2015) - Journal of Educational Psychology (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Editorial work › Academic - Fred Paas (2015) - Educational Psychology Review (Journal) (Editor)
Activiteit: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Wim Pouw & Fred Paas (2015) - Human Movement Skills: Learning, Cognition, Health (Participant)
Activiteit: Attending an event › Professional - Wim Pouw, Tamara Gog, Rolf Zwaan & Fred Paas (2014) - Embedded Embodied Cognition: a Review on Manipulatives and Gesture (Speaker)
Activiteit: Oral presentation › Academic
- Fred Paas, Rolf Zwaan, T. van Gog, Wim Pouw & J.A. De Nooijer (2014) - Graduate Research Day Article Award 2014 awarded by Institute of Psychology Erasmus University Rotterdam for Pouw, de Nooijer, van Gog, Zwaan, Paas (2014) in Frontiers in Psychology.
International Journal Of Environmental Research an
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- september 2022
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- september 2025
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- Editorial Board Member
Journal Educational Technology Research & Developm
- Start date approval
- september 2022
- End date approval
- september 2025
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- Consulting Board Member
Journal Of Educational Psychology
- Start date approval
- september 2022
- End date approval
- september 2025
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- Editorial Board Member
4.2C Assessment in Education & Training
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWPE-M021
3.6P Developing 21st century skills & ed
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWP3045O