dr. (Gera) G Noordzij


Dr. Gera Noordzij is a work & industrial and clinical & health psychologist by training. Before starting at EUC, she worked at the Psychology department of the Erasmus University. Her research topic is on motivation and self-regulation in various fields.

  • Achievement goal orientation
  • Motivation and self-regulation
  • Unemployment

Erasmus University College

Associate professor | Erasmus University College

More information


  • René Repasi, Lieselot Bisschop, Ana Vasques & Gera Noordzij (19 juni 2023) - GLOBAL ROUND UP SECTOR WEEKLY: UNIVERSITY NEWSLETTER OF WEEK-ENDED JUN 18, 2023

  • Gera Noordzij & Lisette Wijnia (2015) - The effects of quality of problems on students' motivation
  • Lisette Wijnia, Gera Noordzij, Sofie Loyens & Eva Derous (2014) - Motivation and engagement in student-centered learning: The role of autonomy support and structure.
  • Gera Noordzij, L Giel & Heleen Mierlo (2014) - The Impact of Induced State Achievement Goal Orientation on Performance, Motivation, Self-efficacy, and Enjoyment: A Meta-Analysis
  • Gera Noordzij & Lisette Wijnia (2013) - Stability and Change in Motivation and Achievement Goal Orientation
  • Gera Noordzij, EAJ (Edwin) van Hooft, Heleen Mierlo & Marise Born (2013) - The effects of trained 2x2 achievement goals on motivation after feedback
  • Gera Noordzij (2011) - Goal orientation in South-Africa

Career Skills: Inclusive Leadership

Course Code

News regarding dr. (Gera) G Noordzij

Learning 21st-century skills requires 21st-century teaching: Advancing a horizontal learning into the skills curriculum at EUC

CLI Fellow Gera Noordzij deed onderzoek naar het bevorderen van horizontaal leren in het vaardighedencurriculum op EUC.

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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