prof.dr. (Harry) H Geerlings


Harry Geerlings is professor in the Governance of Sustainable Mobility at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Furthermore he is member of SmartPort 2.0, a cooperation between the Rotterdam port community, Erasmus University Rotterdam and other key stakeholders in port related research. 

For more than 25 years he is specialized in research in the domain of sustainable transport, the interaction with environment and spatial planning and the need for change (in modern vocabulary: transition management) .Valorization (getting the maximum value and usefulness out of projects), is one of his key priorities in the actions he undertakes.

His teaching covers a wide range of topics, varying from energy consumption on container terminals, via the cultural and institutionally aspect in port governance. Presently he is the chair of the Examination Board of his faculty that stand for the quality of the eduction and examination in his faculty.

Geerlings holds a Ph.D. degree in economics (1997) from the Free University in Amsterdam. He was promoter of 3 PhD’s and is currently supervising 6 PhD candidates. Since its foundation in 1992, he is member the PhD research school TRAIL that offers programs for postgraduate Ph.D. students in the fields of mobility, transport, logistics, traffic and infrastructure. An example of his port related activities is the EU project Green Efforts.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Professor emeritus | Governance and Pluralism
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Harry Geerlings (12 september 2018) - The limited relevance of academic publishing for international research communities

  • Harry Geerlings (2019) - The Austrian-Dutch transport relations and opportunities; an analysis based on the Emberger priciple
  • Bob Castelein, Harry Geerlings & JHR van Duin (2019) - Cold Chain Strategies for Seaports: Towards a Worldwide Policy Classification and Analysis
  • Bob Castelein, Harry Geerlings & R van Duin (2019) - BIVEC-GIBET Transportation Research Days
  • Harry Geerlings (2016) - Annual Meeting
  • Somesh Sharma & Harry Geerlings (2016) - NECTAR Joint Cluster 1 and Cluster 6 International Workshop: Transport Infrastructures for better Accessibility, Equity and Territorial Cohesion
  • Somesh Sharma & Harry Geerlings (2015) - International conference on Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions
  • Harry Geerlings (2015) - Unknown event
  • Harry Geerlings (1998) - De betekenis van ondergronds transport voor Nederland
  • Harry Geerlings (1995) - The rise and fall of new technologies; the Maglev as technical substitution?
  • Harry Geerlings & RW Hommes (1993) - Technologische ontwikkelingen en nieuwe vormen van samenwerking; de toepassingsmogelijkheden van nieuwe concepten in de transportsector

Port Management and Maritime Logistics

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. (Harry) H Geerlings

Rotterdamse haven moet aan de slag met de transitie om leidend te blijven

Geerlings stelt de vraag hoe het toch kan dat een haven die zo afhankelijk is van energie en al jarenlang financieel-economisch uitermate goed presteert, tot op

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