dr. (Heleen) H van Mierlo


After graduating in Work and Organizational Psychology at the Radboud University in Nijmegen and obtaining my PhD at Eindhoven University of Technology, I now work as an assistant professor in Work & Organizational Psychology at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In my research, I am driven by a fascination with the functioning of groups and teams. The overarching theme of my research is regulatory processes in groups and teams. I study how teams shape and coordinate their collective activities to achieve effective performance while safeguarding the well-being of the individual team members. Specific topics within this theme include motivation (goal setting and goal orientation), team autonomy and self-management, conflict and conflict-management, and methodological issues involved in measuring group-level constructs.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Work and Organisational Psychology
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Gera Noordzij, L Giel & Heleen Mierlo (2014) - The Impact of Induced State Achievement Goal Orientation on Performance, Motivation, Self-efficacy, and Enjoyment: A Meta-Analysis
  • Gera Noordzij, EAJ (Edwin) van Hooft, Heleen Mierlo & Marise Born (2013) - The effects of trained 2x2 achievement goals on motivation after feedback
  • Heleen Mierlo (2004) - Gedrag en Organisatie (Journal)

4.2C Groups at Work

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