dr. (Jelle) J de Vries


Jelle de Vries is Associate Professor of Operations Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. In his research, Jelle focuses on the influence of behavioral characteristics and outcomes in operational settings. On this topic he has published in well-respected academic outlets such as the Journal of Operations Management (JOM) and Production and Operations Management (POM). He serves as Associate Editor at the Journal of Operations Management (JOM). With his PhD dissertation he won the Jo Van Nunen Prijs, the award for the best PhD dissertation on a logistics-related topic in the Netherlands. In 2018 he received a VENI research grant to further develop his research in Behavioral Operations. Before joining RSM, Jelle worked as Assistant Professor at VU University Amsterdam. He obtained his PhD (cum laude) and MPhil at RSM.   

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University

Associate professor | Department of Technology and Operations Management
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • J (Jelle) de Vries (2023) - Journal of Operations Management (Journal)

  • J (Jelle) de Vries (2019) - Jack Meredith Best Paper Award (Honorable Mention)
  • J (Jelle) de Vries (2016) - Jo van Nunen award
  • René de Koster, Daan Stam & Jelle de Vries (2014) - Best student paper award TRAIL2014, "Making the Right Pick: Aligning Order Picking Methods, Incentive Systems and Regulatory Focus to Increase Picking Performance"

Behavioural Operations Management

Year Level
master, master, master, master
Course Code

  • Alexandros-Myron Pasparakis

    Leader-Follower Relationships in Technologically Advanced Operations
  • Mahsa Alirezaei

    Sharehouse: Human-Technology interaction in warehouse environments
  • Anne Fleur Xiao Hwa Dijkhorst

    PhD in Supply Chain Management (2024)

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen