(Julia) JK Krämer


Julia Krämer is a PhD candidate in Empirical Legal Studies in the Department of Law and Business at the Erasmus School of Law. She completed her bachelor’s degree at the University of Amsterdam and holds an LL.M. from the University of Mannheim. Her research focusses on the quantitative analysis of law and Data Protection Law. Her research project explores whether and how platforms are able to implement and foster the goals of privacy regulation.

Erasmus School of Law

PhD candidate | Civil Law
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Josje de Vogel, Alberto Quintavalla, Martien Schaub, Cees Zweistra, Enrique Santamaria Echeverria, Julia Krämer, Clara Boggini, Klaus Heine, Madeleine Merkx, Sascha van Schendel & Vladimir Belev (2024) - Law & Digitalisation research seminar
  • Julia Krämer (2024) - Presentation at the eLaw Leiden Conference
  • Julia Krämer (2024) - Presentation at CPDP.ai 2024
  • Julia Krämer (2024) - Presentation at the Private Law Workshop at Goethe University
  • Julia Krämer (2024) - Presentation during the ECELS Pre-Analysis Seminar
  • Julia Krämer (2023) - Presentation at the ESELS Conference 2023
  • Julia Krämer (2023) - Presentation at the Digital Legal Talks 2023
  • Julia Krämer (2023) - Presentation at SIOE 2023
  • Julia Krämer (2023) - Chair of the PhD in Law Association Rotterdam (PILAR)
  • Kostina Prifti, Esra Demir & Julia Krämer (2023) - Law, AI and Regulation Conference 2023
  • Julia Krämer (2023) - Presentation at the CPDP 2023
  • Julia Krämer (2023) - Presentation at the 5th Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-As-Data Workshop
  • Julia Krämer (2022) - Presentation at the GLEA 2022

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Vergelijk opleidingen