Martijn is trained as social scientist and worked for several years as Junior Researcher for the Cultural Geography Group at Wageningen University. He obtained his PhD degree at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (Erasmus University Rotterdam), critically examining how policy experimentation contributes to the overcoming of tensions amongst actors involved in Dutch healthcare governance. He continues to work at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management as Assistant Professor.
Martijn has strong interests in social theory and different conceptions of healthcare, politics and practice. He draws on current advances in the literature(s) on Professionalism and Science and Technology Studies – as well as Public Administration and Political Theory – to explore the diverse and intricate connections between professionalization, rationalization, and politization. Whilst doing so, he particularly focusses on professional groups that work on the (re)organization and (re)valuation of their work within the layered institutional context of the Dutch healthcare system. He typically uses qualitative research methods (e.g. ethnographies and historical case studies) to study these professional groups in formation.
Currently, Martijn is studying the (re)professionalization of Dutch nursing work. In the Netherlands, hospital boards, nursing associations, educators and policymakers are trying to differentiate between different kinds nurses and the work they do. Nurse differentiation promises to strengthen the position of nurses in healthcare organizations and to contribute to higher quality, responsive and affordable healthcare. It however also involves rethinking what nurses are, what nurses (can) do and how their work should be measured, valued, and regulated. Martijn aims to foreground the emotional, relational, and political dimensions of this professionalization project.
Other research projects are the role of evidence-based decision-making in layered healthcare systems, the role of banks and health insurers in Dutch healthcare governance and a reflexive exploration of the epistemological politics in action-based research.
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
More information
- Jitse Schuurmans, Martijn Felder & Iris Wallenburg (2025) - Reorganizing medical care for older persons in times of scarcity: A cybernetics analysis of work pressure and organizational change - Social Science & Medicine, 366 - doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2024.117634 - [link]
- Martijn Felder, Syb Kuijper, Davina Allen, Roland Bal & Iris Wallenburg (2024) - Job crafting as retention strategy: An ethnographic account of the challenges faced in crafting new nursing roles in care practice - The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 39 (3), 722-739 - doi: 10.1002/hpm.3780 - [link]
- Hugo Schalkwijk, Martijn Felder, Pieterbas Lalleman, Manon S. Parry, Lisette Schoonhoven & Iris Wallenburg (2024) - Five pathways into one profession: Fifty years of debate on differentiated nursing practice - Nursing Inquiry, 31 (3) - doi: 10.1111/nin.12631 - [link]
- Syb Kuijper, Martijn Felder, Stewart Clegg, Roland Bal & Iris Wallenburg (2024) - “We don't experiment with our patients!” An ethnographic account of the epistemic politics of (re)designing nursing work - Social Science and Medicine, 340 - doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116482 - [link]
- Tessa van Dijk, Martijn Felder, Richard Janssen & W. K.(Wilma) van der Scheer (2023) - For better or worse: Governing healthcare organisations in times of financial distress - Sociology of Health and Illness, 46 (5), 926-947 - doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13744 - [link]
- Martijn Felder, Jitse Schuurmans, Nienke van Pijkeren, Syb Kuijper, Roland Bal & Iris Wallenburg (2023) - Bedside Politics and Precarious Care: New Directions of Inquiry in Critical Nursing Studies - Advances in Nursing Science, 47 (4), E122-E137 - doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000518
- Tessa van Dijk, W. K.(Wilma) van der Scheer, Martijn Felder & Richard Janssen (2023) - Health care reform and financial crisis in the Netherlands: consequences for the financial arena of health care organizations - Health Economics, Policy and Law, 18 (3), 305-320 - doi: 10.1017/S1744133123000075 - [link]
- Martijn Felder, Tineke Kleinhout-Vliek, Marthe Stevens & Antoinette de Bont (2023) - From ‘if only’ to ‘what if’: An ethnographic study into design thinking and organizational change - Design Studies, 86 - doi: 10.1016/j.destud.2023.101178 - [link]
- Syb Kuijper, Martijn Felder, Roland Bal & Iris Wallenburg (2022) - Assembling care: How nurses organise care in uncharted territory and in times of pandemic - Sociology of Health and Illness, 44 (8), 1305-1323 - doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13508 - [link]
- Martijn Felder, Syb Kuijper, Pieterbas Lalleman, Roland Bal & Iris Wallenburg (2022) - The rise of the partisan nurse and the challenge of moving beyond an impasse in the (re)organization of Dutch nursing work - Journal of Professions and Organization, 9 (1), 20-37 - doi: 10.1093/jpo/joac002 - [link]
- Bert de Graaff, Sabrina Huizenga, Jenske Bal, Syb Kuijper, Martijn Felder, Lotte Zwart, Karin Kalthoff, Hester van de Bovenkamp, Iris Wallenburg & Roland Bal (2022) - Leren dansen met een virus: Sturen van een meervoudige crisis in de zorg - [link]
- Iris Wallenburg, Bert de Graaff, Jenske Bal, Martijn Felder & Roland Bal (2021) - Dancing with a Virus: Finding new Rhythms of Organizing and Caring in Dutch Hospitals - doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-82696-3
- Martijn Felder, Iris Wallenburg, Syb Kuijper & Roland Bal (2021) - Taking the relationship between populism and healthcare seriously: A call for empirical analysis rather than moral condemnation comment on “a scoping review of populist radical right parties’ influence on welfare policy and its implications for population health in europe” - International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 10 (9), 598-601 - doi: 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.180 - [link]
- Iris Wallenburg, Martijn Felder, S Kuijper & R Bal (2021) - Crisisbestrijding door het oog van de zorg - [link]
- Martijn Felder, Hester van de Bovenkamp, JW Meerding & Antoinette de Bont (2021) - Who contextualises clinical epidemiological evidence?: A political analysis of the problem of evidence-based medicine in the layered Dutch healthcare system - Health Policy, 125 (1), 34-40 - doi: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2020.09.006 - [link]
- Martijn Felder, Iris Wallenburg, Syb Kuijper & Roland Bal (2021) - Etnografisch onderzoek
- Martijn Felder, Iris Wallenburg, Syb Kuijper & Roland Bal (2021) - Etnografisch onderzoek - doi: 10.1007/978-90-368-2600-6
- Martijn Felder (2024) - Frans Rutten Research Award 2023
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Academic Development & Skills
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Advanced Research Methods
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- GW4003MV
Advanced Research Methods
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