prof.dr. (Niels) NJ Philipsen


Niels Philipsen studied Economics (with a specialization in competition policy) at Maastricht University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree on the thesis “Regulation of and by pharmacists in the Netherlands and Belgium: An economic approach” at the UM Faculty of Law. Philipsen is Associate Professor in Law and Economics at the Maastricht European Institute for Transnational Legal Research (METRO), where he is also Vice-Director (0.8 FTE). In July 2016 he was appointed extraordinary Professor of Shifts in Private and Public Regulation at the Erasmus School of Law (0.2 FTE); and in November 2016 he was appointed Adjunct Professor of the School of Law and Economics at the China University of Political Science and Law.

Philipsen conducted research for inter alia the European Commission, OECD, several Dutch ministries and the International Bar Association. He also worked as temporary agent for the European Commission (DG Competition), and was a visiting researcher at Peking University and the University of Illinois. From January 2013 until April 2016 he was a member of the FP7 Collaborative Project EFFACE (EU action to fight environmental crime).  Philipsen wrote several books and articles.

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | Law and Economics
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


  • Niels Philipsen (1 maart 2023) - PhD defense Qian Wu
  • Niels Philipsen (29 juni 2022) - Faure and Philipsen present at 70th anniversary CUPL
  • Niels Philipsen (18 februari 2022) - How do we keep tech giants like Facebook and Amazon at bay?
  • Niels Philipsen (27 juni 2019) - Lectures at CUFE and CUPL

  • Niels Philipsen (2021) - Protecting societal interests in corporate takeovers: a comparative analysis of the regulatory framework in the U.K., Germany and China
  • Niels Philipsen (2021) - Vulnerabilities, Cybersecurity, and the Role of Law and Regulation herein
  • NJ (Niels) Philipsen (2021) - Smart mixes of Regulation: An academic perspective
  • NJ (Niels) Philipsen (2021) - Financial Instruments and their Proportionality and Consistency under EU Law
  • NJ (Niels) Philipsen (2021) - Summer Course "Law and Economics: Lessons for the Design of Efficient Regulation"
  • NJ (Niels) Philipsen (2021) - Should Wealth and Income Inequality Be a Competition Concern?
  • NJ (Niels) Philipsen (2021) - The Future of Law and Economics
  • Niels Philipsen (2021) - Researching Discrimination in E-Commerce and Online Advertising (webinar)
  • Niels Philipsen (2021) - The Quest for Product Safety in the Context of 3D Printing: A Law and Economics Analysis’
  • NJ (Niels) Philipsen (2021) - Economische analyse van regulering

Maastricht University

Start date approval
december 2017
End date approval
december 9999
Vice-Director METRO + Assoc. prof + ITN

Advanced Economics of Regulation

Year Level
Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. (Niels) NJ Philipsen

Hoe houden we techreuzen zoals Facebook en Amazon in bedwang?

Niels Philipsen, hoogleraar Shifts in Private & Public Regulation aan Erasmus School of Law, legt uit hoe hij denkt dat Big Tech in bedwang kan worden gehouden.
Niels Philipsen

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