More information
- Sharon Oded & Jessie Steinebach (2023) - Central vs. Local Whistleblowing Channels: Towards an Effective Implementation of the EU Whistleblower Directive in Multinational Organisations - Compliance, Ethics & Sustainability, 2023 (4), 169-179 - [link]
- Sharon Oded (2020) - Multi-Jurisdictional Anti-Corruption Enforcement: Time for a Global Approach - Journal of Law and Policy, 28 (2), 510-563 - [link]
- Sharon Oded (2020) - The DOJs Anti-Piling On Policy: time to reflect? - doi: 10.4337/9781788970419.00018
- Sharon Oded & D Ceulen (2018) - Anti-Bribery Due Diligence in M&A Transactions: Have you Got it Covered? - International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 6 (7), 14-19 - doi: 10.20431/2349-0349.0607002 - [link]
- Sharon Oded (2018) - Trumping Recidivism: Assessing the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy - Columbia Law Review Online, 118 (6), 135-152 - [link]
- Sharon Oded (2017) - Yates Memo - Time for Reassessment?, Compliance and Enforcement - [link]
- Sharon Oded & D Ceulen (2016) - Anti-bribery due diligence in M&A-transacties - Bedrijfsjuridische Berichten, 2016 (7), 73-77 - [link]
- Sharon Oded & I Braam (2016) - Breaking the silence from the inside: effective mitigation of whistleblowing risks - Tijdschrift voor Compliance, 2016 (3), 130-136 - [link]
- Sharon Oded (2016) - Coughing Up Executives or Rolling the Dice? Individual Accountability for Corporate Corruption - Yale Law & Policy Review, 35 (1), 49-86 - [link]
- Sharon Oded (2016) - Liability of Legal Persons for Foreign Corruption - [link]
- Sharon Oded (25 oktober 2023) - Central or local whistleblowing channels? Implementing the EU Whistleblower Directive may help you to decide
- Sharon Oded (4 juni 2021) - EU Whistleblowing Directive
- Sharon Oded (19 mei 2021) - The evolving role of the compliance officer
- Sharon Oded (19 juni 2020) - The changing global landscape of corporate compliance: what does it really mean to my organization?
- Sharon Oded (11 mei 2020) - Managing legal and compliance operations in the new reality
- Sharon Oded (28 april 2020) - Dealing with red flags, internal reports and investigations in the new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Sharon Oded (8 april 2020) - Compliance leaders’ perspectives on COVID-19: Adjusting to the new reality
- Sharon Oded (31 januari 2020) - Investigations trends and updates
- Sharon Oded (13 maart 2019) - Oded delivers added value
- Sharon Oded (9 maart 2019) - United Kingdom : Norton Rose Fulbright adds regulatory, compliance and investigations partner
- Sharon Oded (2019) - Lecture on the importance of dealing with non-trial resolutions in foreign bribery and corruption cases
- Sharon Oded (2019) - Annual summit on Compliance and Enforcement
- Sharon Oded & E Carbonara (2013) - Documenting Innocence Along with Guilt: The Economics of Self-Policing Under Vicarious Liability
- Sharon Oded (2012) - Compliance programs in the era of Deferred Prosecution Agreements
- Sharon Oded (2011) - Leniency and Compliance: A Macro View on the Anti Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China
- Sharon Oded (2011) - Targeted Monitoring Systems
- Sharon Oded (2011) - 'Corporate Monitors' and 'Deferred Prosecution Agreements'
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
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