prof.dr. (Sharon) S Oded

Erasmus School of Law

Full professor | Law and Economics

More information


  • Sharon Oded (25 oktober 2023) - Central or local whistleblowing channels? Implementing the EU Whistleblower Directive may help you to decide
  • Sharon Oded (4 juni 2021) - EU Whistleblowing Directive
  • Sharon Oded (19 mei 2021) - The evolving role of the compliance officer
  • Sharon Oded (19 juni 2020) - The changing global landscape of corporate compliance: what does it really mean to my organization?
  • Sharon Oded (11 mei 2020) - Managing legal and compliance operations in the new reality
  • Sharon Oded (28 april 2020) - Dealing with red flags, internal reports and investigations in the new reality of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Sharon Oded (8 april 2020) - Compliance leaders’ perspectives on COVID-19: Adjusting to the new reality
  • Sharon Oded (31 januari 2020) - Investigations trends and updates
  • Sharon Oded (13 maart 2019) - Oded delivers added value
  • Sharon Oded (9 maart 2019) - United Kingdom : Norton Rose Fulbright adds regulatory, compliance and investigations partner

  • Sharon Oded (2019) - Lecture on the importance of dealing with non-trial resolutions in foreign bribery and corruption cases
  • Sharon Oded (2019) - Annual summit on Compliance and Enforcement
  • Sharon Oded & E Carbonara (2013) - Documenting Innocence Along with Guilt: The Economics of Self-Policing Under Vicarious Liability
  • Sharon Oded (2012) - Compliance programs in the era of Deferred Prosecution Agreements
  • Sharon Oded (2011) - Leniency and Compliance: A Macro View on the Anti Monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China
  • Sharon Oded (2011) - Targeted Monitoring Systems
  • Sharon Oded (2011) - 'Corporate Monitors' and 'Deferred Prosecution Agreements'

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

Start date approval
januari 2019
End date approval
december 9999

Markets, Corporations and Regulators MC

Mixed (100%master
Year Level
Mixed (100%master

News regarding prof.dr. (Sharon) S Oded

Corona maakt witwassen van zwart geld in het ‘gewone’ bedrijfsleven veel makkelijker

Het witwassen van illegaal verkregen geld is makkelijker nu de hele economie op zijn kop staat vanwege het coronavirus. Dat zegt hoogleraar Sharon Oded in…

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